Something Special

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Shawnie's POV

Fast forward to 3 months after that Miami trip, 6 months after we met. It was now October. We've been spending a lot more time together. We make sure we see each other as much as possible. We never go longer than 2 weeks without seeing each other. Chris would come out to Chicago to see me, if his schedule had the free time, which he loves. He said the paps had a harder time following him around when he's out here but between filming a movie, recording his new album, "Heartbreak on a Full Moon" and directing and shooting his videos, he hasn't been able to come out much. When his schedule gets like this, it's always me who flies out to him, where ever he is.

Chris has ran into a little trouble too. When we were in Miami, he was smoking outside of that restaurant and marijuana isn't legal in Florida. The paps have him on camera doing it and someone called the police on him. Haters. They issued a warrant for his arrest and now, he could be facing charges because of it. So Chris has to turn himself in. This is so stupid.

On another note, Chris has been a little clingy though. He's calling all the time, wanting to FaceTime a lot and we stay texting all day. Not that I'm complaining, it's just kinda beginning to be too much. I think he thinks we're in a relationship. I constantly tell him we're not and we're just having fun and he says he understands but his actions just doesn't reflect that.

Chris and I don't have the time for any relationships anyway. He's working like crazy, I'm working like crazy, we're in two different cities, with two different mindsets. There's just no way this could work and sometimes he's just so sweet to me and I feel bad for not feeling the same. I know I'm crazy. How can I not feel the same about him. It's just my ex just really did damage on me. I can't put Chris through that.

When we got back from Miami, I guess my ex saw the pictures of Chris and I and he came over to my house to start trouble. He got in my face saying how Chris wasn't there to save me and we got into it pretty bad. We were arguing inside my house and the police were still called. The neighbors said we were so loud, they could hear us inside of their own homes. So they came and he was arrested. It was so embarrassing and not to mention, the media got ahold of that police report and got the story. So now, I'm not only known as Chris's' random, mystery girlfriend but I'm also known as the girl that's trouble, who got into a fight with her ex boyfriend "over Chris". That's not even what happened, they made up that headline and they keep saying how we shouldn't be together, and that all I'm going to do is get him into more trouble. I'm a fucking lawyer, how am I going to get him into more trouble? I'm starting to hate the media already. I just want them to get the story right.

The media and all of his fans officially know who I am and all about me now. After that kiss, everything went haywire. I got over 300,000 followers across all of my social media's, I get people hating me, some people like me, some people like us together, some don't, some even defend me when the others speak badly about me. I guess it's not as bad as I thought.

One night, I was at home, sitting on my sofa drinking a glass of wine, when someone knocked on my door. I didn't have anything on but a T-shirt, I didn't have any plans on anyone coming over, I was damn near about to go to sleep.

It's 9 o'clock at night. Who the fuck can this be? Lord, please don't let this be my ex.

I get up and walk over to the door, "Who is it?" I ask

"It's me." I heard a man say.

I look out the window and see it's Chris.

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