See You Around - The Interview

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Aubrey's POV

"Get out." I say as soon as I walk into our dressing room. She had been there for an hour getting her hair and makeup done. "Give us five minutes." I say watching everyone leave the room.

I couldn't come with her but I had to go over interview questions. Shawnie and Amanda have been here going over her questions for a couple of hours. She's never done an interview, so it was super critical that she got this right. I was nervous for her.

"Hey baby." She says looking up from her paper.

"Everything going smoothly?" I ask, kissing her on her forehead.

"Yes.... I'm nervous."

"I know but ima be with you, holding your hand. Just squeeze mine when you don't want to answer something, or you want me to take over, or anything." I stand behind her, fixing her hair in the mirror.

"I know but.... These questions about Chris, I don't like." She has a look of worry on her face.  "Has he ever hit you, what kind of drugs was he into? I think this is a bit much." She says flipping through the papers.

"They're valid questions..." I say and she looks at me sideways through the mirror. "Maybe not the one about the drugs, skip that one. But babe, you need to be honest and take in this moment. This interview is going to be a huge deal, get ready for shit from all sides. I'm going to be there to protect you but me and my team can only do so much. I need you, just like you need me. The clause is in place so you don't even have to say his name."

"Okay." She says

"He isn't going to like this regardless if you say something about him or not. I noticed he doesn't like you gaining your own spotlight, but I want this for you. I love you and I'm happy for you."

"But what if he tries to come after me legally for something I said."

"You're protected. Very protected. Don't even worry. You know I can have anything pulled I don't like. Don't worry about that." I say, "Another thing," I go into my pocket and I pull out the ring I bought her back in Chicago. "I want you to wear this on your right hand."

She takes the ring, "Okay," She puts it on, then looks at me. I take out another ring, "What's that?"

"If you want me to, I'll wear this." I hold up my ring. "On my right of course. But I'll wear it on the left if you want."

"I don't want to confirm anything just yet. Let's wait until after the interview for that too."

"Okay." I walk around and kiss her on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." She smiles. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried about you. Things like this really get to you and I don't want you to have a breakdown over it." I say

"I think I'll be okay. I just gotta get my nerves down." She says

"I can give you something." I smile.

"After the show." She says

"Yes, right after the show." I wink at her.

I walk over and open the door for the makeup artist, hair stylist, and Amanda to come back in. I walk over and I sit on the sofa. I watch as she picks up her phone, a minute later my phone dings with an alert from Instagram.

Shawniemarie just posted a photo




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