Under The Influence

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Chris' POV

I looked at her somewhat shocked, "We do need to figure this out

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I looked at her somewhat shocked, "We do need to figure this out. First, we need to talk everything out and get everything on the table, both of us."

She nods her head, "I'm willing to do that." She says honestly.

This is so refreshing. It's hard as hell, but it's refreshing. I like talking to her like this. It's not like we've never done this before, we have but it's different now. I like it.

"I just want to try to get us back how we used to be, and I feel like we can achieve that." I say honestly

"Me too. Healthily."

I laugh, "Yeah, healthily. But you gonna smoke with me?" I ask knowing the answer is no. She never does, but she'll hit it once, that's all I'm asking for. The two times she's actually smoked with me were epic. Crazy sex both times. Omg, good times!

"I'll smoke with you." She says and I'm shocked.

"What? Wow!" I say shocked, "We need to do this right now." I say, not wanting her to change her mind about smoking, or the talk.

"We can start." She says and I quickly pull myself together.

"Okay, let me light a blunt. I also wanted to play some music for you. I just wanted you to hear it and get your opinion, like we used to do."

"I'm down." She says, hoping up on the hood of my car.

I get a blunt out of the car and light it. I sat next to her and we hit it a few times before I got the conversation started. I didn't want to go right into it, I wanted her to hear my music first.

I turned on the newest song I recorded, "Under The Influence" She sat there and listened without saying anything. She looked out at the ocean, and swayed from side to side. She didn't even pass the blunt, but I didn't say anything. I didn't care. I was just happy she was here with me and listening to my music. This is all I've wanted for the past few months.

The song goes off and she smiles, "I like it!"


"Yes. I actually love it! Chris, you know I'm a fan of your music. You can't do any wrong when it comes to it as far as I'm concerned. The song is great!" She says smiling.

I smile. Hearing her say that makes me happy. Her opinion means a lot to me.

"Under the influence?" She says

"Yeah." I say and she just makes a face and I don't know what to make of it. "What?"

"Drugs and sex?"

"Yeah, the usual." I say, laughing. "But sex is the drug."

"I mean I like the song but—." She trails off.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing Chris..."

"No, tell me."

"You know I don't like when you do drugs. That makes me think about that. Like I'll smoke with you every now and then, but you know you're into some hard shit...I just don't like it, and that song made me think about that."

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