I Got Time

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Shawnie's POV

Today was the day, Chris and I were going to meet with Aubrey. We were on our way back to the hotel, coming from my dad's house. We had just dropped him off because we just came from my doctors appointment. To sum everything up, everything looks good. They confirmed my pregnancy, which we already knew. We were late scheduling it because of obvious reasons, but we were finally able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Chris was amazed and emotional. I was too. They did all the basics, checked my heart, lungs, blood pressure, breasts, abdomen, and did a pelvic exam. It was a very long appointment. A lot of test, blood work, etc.

We were in the backseat of the truck while the driver drove us. We both were in our own world, not really speaking, just enjoying the peacefulness. I'm happy Chris is here with me though, I've missed him.

I'm extremely nervous about all of this, because everything has gone so wrong in past situations, I feel like this is going to go the same way. I don't even know why he wanted to meet with Aubrey, well I know why but I don't think it had to be done. It's not like Aubrey is going to listen anyway, he hasn't done so yet.

Just then I get a text from Aubrey saying he's at the hotel. I text back okay and put my phone down, on my lap. I'm so nervous about this.

"You good baby?" Chris says looking over at me.

"Yes. He said he's there. I'm a little anxious though. I really have a feeling this isn't going to go how we think it is." I say

"Why not? I'm not going into this on some slick shit, I'm trying to talk to him man-to-man. I'm trying to be mature about it. We've been doing his petty bullshit for years and I'm tired of it. I want to talk to him on some grown man shit, tell him to leave my soon to be wife alone..." he pauses and smiles over at me, "I'm just not with the drama anymore. I'm tired of it and I know he has to be too."

"I know you have good intentions going into this but I just don't think he does. You have to understand, he is still hurting. It's not just because of me, it's because of the baby and...."I trail off, and start again, "It's just a lot for him. I'm not trying to take up for him or anything, but he's hurt and he wants me, or you, to hurt with him."

"I know he is. And like I said before, he needs to understand that you are my woman. Whatever y'all had going on, that's over. He needs to move on and accept the fact that he's not gonna get you back." He says

"I think he knows that, but it's just easier said than done."

"Well he's going to have to do it. I'm leaving for rehab tomorrow, and I just don't feel comfortable with you being alone, and me not being there to protect you. You know he's gonna try to call you, and he's going to try to come by the house and just try to communicate with you regardless of what happens tonight."


"I'm not gonna tell you what to do about the situation anymore, but after tonight, and especially while I'm gone, all I'm gonna say is.....do what you need to do to make yourself feel comfortable. It's crazy that I'm about to say this....." He stops for a second and looks out the window. He looks back at me and puts his hand on my leg, "If you need to talk to him to keep him calm, then do that. Don't be hanging out with him, and all that other bullshit. I'm willing to make this work if you're willing to make this work, and I realize that you're in a whole different head space now. After that stuff came out with Gina, and the way you handled it, I realize I need to start handling things in a different way as well. So like I said, if you need to talk to him to keep him calm, then do that but don't go too far with it, be respectful to me."

"Wow." I say. I don't know how much good that'll do, but I actually see what he's doing. I think he's testing me. He wants to see if I go back to Aubrey.

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