Heartbreak on a Full Moon

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Shawnie's POV

It's been a couple of weeks and I've been staying with my dad, at home in Chicago and of course, I stay with Chris when I'm in LA. I haven't really made up my mind about moving in with him yet. I told him, if I moved in, his friends had to go and I'm deadass serious about that. I won't live there with them. They stay up all night and I have to get up and go to work in the mornings. I'm not going to be dealing with their childish asses. I love them, but I can't do it. I'm not going to be the house mother to a bunch of grown men.

Chris had another album release party, to make up for the first one he missed and it was bigger and better than the first one. He had it a week after we got back from Chicago. Everyone loved the new songs, all 45 of them. That was the first time I had heard a lot of the songs. I love the album. I personally think it's his best to date and it's going to be hard to top it. But this is Chris Brown we're talking about, I'm sure he's going to one up himself. After all, he is the G.O.A.T.

A week later, he released his album, "Heartbreak on a Full Moon,'' the album did great, actually, better than great the first day as far as sales. So he's in a good mood. But he's Chris brown, all of his albums do well. I love that he's so talented, and works so hard at what he does. It's a turn on.

Anyway, there hasn't been any real changes with the whole Ammika situation. She's still saying Chris is her unborn child's father. Chris is ready to take legal action against her, and wants me to help. I'm all for it because I'm sick of her, so we're going to have her subpoenaed to court to establish paternity.

After what happened to my place in Chicago, I resigned from the law firm I was working for and I immediately started looking for spaces for my firm in LA. All I really needed was a small space for my office and when my company expands, I can look for a bigger property. So I stumbled upon this office space that was in Calabasas, which was only 15 minutes from Chris's house, in Tarzana. Perfect location.

I've officially been hired by Drake, as his lawyer. I'm now part of his legal team, alone with Billy Blanks and two others. This is big for me and my firm. He's now my biggest client, and my only client. I do things for Chris and give him legal advice but I don't work for him. Maybe that should change and I can work for both of them. I don't know.

I kind of have somewhat of a dilemma though. I haven't quite told Chris that I'm officially on Drake's legal team. It's not that I'm keeping it from him, I'm just trying to figure out when the right time is to tell him. He acted like he wasn't bothered by me meeting with him the other week and maybe it didn't, but I just can't see him being totally cool with it. Especially, when he doesn't like the guy. So I need to discuss that with him. I want to be the one to tell him and him not find out anywhere else first.

It was around 10 pm in California, and I was washing dishes. I can't wait for his friends to leave. I'm tired of cleaning up after them. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to take this. After the whole drug incident, I have completely washed my hands of them. His friends are cool but they need to move out. I don't understand why Chris won't tell them.

Chris was sitting outside, in his backyard, by the pool. He was by himself, lounging on his oversized patio daybed, smoking. I noticed he's out there a lot. I sometimes wonder what's on his mind. He seems to go out there when he wants to clear his head. He's always thinking. I know he has so much going on with him mentally, but he doesn't talk about that much. Every now and then he does but he's very vague about it.

I watched him from the window in the kitchen for a minute, not knowing if he was going to be cool with this. If he really did have a problem with me working for him, he could flip out on me, like he did before. He's been so sweet since that day. I'm sure he knows he messed up and he's really sorry for that but I can't help but feel like it's going to happen again. I can't live like this forever.

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