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Shawnie's POV

He stops, "You good babe?"

"Chris, I haven't taken birth control in months." I say nervously.

He looks down at me, "Really? We fucked in my car last week?"

"I know...and at my house...a bunch of times. I completely forgot." I say confused, how can I forget that. I'm so stupid.

"How can you forget something like that?" He asks

"I don't know. I haven't had sex with anyone in four months, Chris. It had been four months since you and I had sex, and I wasn't fucking Aubrey, I thought I would be fine. I stopped talking it because I can't take that with one of my medications, there are interactions between the two." I explain

"Okay." He says, "But you know you're probably pregnant right?" He says smiling. "I never pull out."

"I know.

"And if you're not, you're about to get pregnant." He starts thrusting in and out of me again.

I try to focus on him, but I couldn't. I could be pregnant? This couldn't come at a more difficult time. He's trying to get clean, I'm trying to get myself together, and we're working on our relationship. This is going to change both of our focus, we're going to be more worried about the baby, than ourselves. But I feel like there could be a possibility that I'm not pregnant.

I heard his breathing get heavier, he was about to cum.

"Pull out." I say

"Pull out?"


"You want me to what—Whatever." He says pulling out, then jacks himself off over my stomach until he cums. After he's done, he takes my robe and wipes off my stomach.

"What the hell?" I say looking up and him. Now he's wiping his dick off. "What are you doing?"

"I'll buy you another one." He says then tosses it on the table and walks away.


"What, Shawnie?" He slides on his boxers.

"What do you have an attitude for?" I ask

"I don't."

"Yes you do. It is because I told you to pull out?"

"Yes, this is because you told me to pull out. You're scared for me to get you pregnant? I think you're a little too late for that. I've been cumming all up in you damn near since we've met, now all of a sudden you don't want me to?" He says, upset.

"I just don't think I should get pregnant right now."

"So it's what you say?" He looks at me, with his hands on his hips.

"Um, yeah."

Chris laughs but I don't think he thinks this is funny at all. He was pissed off.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask. I'm a little confused. He knows we can't have a baby right now. It's not the smart thing to do.

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