Let's Smoke

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Shawnie's POV

I was at my favorite restaurant in Chicago, The Capital Grille

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I was at my favorite restaurant in Chicago, The Capital Grille. I used to come here weekly, and twice on a bad week. I knew most of the staff, and they always knew my order when I came in. This place made me feel at home. Honestly, I haven't felt at home in a while. I'm happy Chris let me come home, because I really needed it. I needed to feel like myself. In California, I don't feel like myself. I'm comfortable, because I'm there with Chris, but it's not home. I'm sure I can deal with it like I have been, I'm just happy I get to be home for a while.

I was here because I was waiting on my ex-best friend, Cassidy and my cousin Mercedes. I texted Cassidy because I kinda missed her and I wanted to get down to the bottom of what happened between us. Maybe things could be fixed, but maybe not. Knowing Cassidy, things can go way left, very fast. My cousin was just going to be there for support. I can't slap anyone because I'm pregnant, but she can. She's my favorite cousin on my moms side, we're close but we don't talk much. You know how life gets in the way.

I was a little nervous to meet with Cassidy though. I wore jeans and sneakers for a reason. The last time I heard about her was when Chris told me she was trying to mess around with him. I only got Chris' side of the story. Not saying he's lying, because I do believe him, but I just want to see what she has to say.

I had small talk, catching up with some on the staff. They were so fascinated with how my life had taken the turn it had, with Chris. They asked me all kinds of questions about him. It was a little excessive to me. They think Chris is this great person, and he is, but they don't know the real him how I do. I seem to forget that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cassidy's voice. Damnit, I thought Mercedes would beat her here.

"Hey miss Hollywood!" Cassidy says

I look over my shoulder, "Hello!" I don't know how to feel about that comment, but I'll let it slide for now.

She walks around me, and sits across me at the table

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She walks around me, and sits across me at the table. "You look gorgeous!" She says with a smile.

"Thanks. So about Chris—."

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