Nice Try

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Shawnie's POV

The next day, I woke up on my stomach, with my face in the pillow. I pick my head up, open my eyes, but the sun was so bright in my face, I quickly shut my eyes. I blindly reach over to the nightstand, searching for the remote to close the curtains. After struggling for a few seconds, I find it and close them. I drop the remote on the floor, open my eyes and look around. I reach on the other side of the bed and I don't feel Chris.  I look over and I don't see him. I pull myself up and sit completely up, leaning against the headboard. I feel so groggy, and out of it. I get my phone off of the nightstand, and turn it on.

"2:47...WHAT?" My phone has to be wrong.

I know that's not the right time. Chris wouldn't let me sleep this late. Where the hell is Chris anyway? I touch his contact and call.

"Hey baby!" He answers

"Where are you?"

"Downstairs, in the studio." He says

"Why did you let me to sleep this late?" I ask

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you, and you've been doing so much, I thought I'd let you sleep." He says

"But I was supposed to go into the office today."

"Oh, well, that's dead." He laughs and I just hang up.

I pull myself to my feet and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and I look like hell. I'm naked, super tired, my hair is all over the place...and I'm sore. I'm so sore. Not to mention, I have a slight headache, and I'm very groggy. What the hell. Why do my legs and jaw hurt? What the hell happened last night? The last thing I remember is smoking with Chris downstairs.

I walk over to the bathtub and I turn on the water. I sit there trying to remember what happened last night. I remember coming home, checking on Chris, showering, and laying down. I also remember going back downstairs, him sitting me on the mixing board and taking a hit of his blunt. I really don't remember anything else after that.

Chris walks into the bathroom, comes over and kisses me on the lips. I turn the water off and turn to him.

"Why'd you hang up?" He asks

"What did we do last night?" I ask

"Smoked and fucked." He smirks

"Why don't I remember anything?" I ask confused.

"Probably because it was different from what you're used to." He says and I look at him crazy.

"What does that mean?" I ask

"It was laced with fentanyl." He says

"Fentanyl? What the fuck?" I throw one of my bottles of soap at him. "So you basically drugged me."

"Nah, it wasn't anything like that babe." His phone starts ringing.

He takes it out of his pocket, looks at it and ignores the call. He put his phone on vibrate and sits it on the counter, by the sink, then he walks over to me.

"Get in." He takes my hand and helps me into the bathtub.

I sit down and he grips my left boob, massaging it, "I'll be happy to refresh your memory about last night." He says running his hand from my breast down to my stomach. "You want me to?" He moves further down, rubbing my pussy.

"Playing with my pussy isn't going to get you out of this." I say

"Baby, I will never let anything happen to you. You know that, right?" He leans down and kisses me, rubbing my pussy at the same time.

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