Second Hand Love

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Chris POV

After we were done, we cleaned up and we were talking. We were back sitting on the hood of my car.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" She asks

"Don't bend over and let everyone know you don't have any panties on." I laugh

She playfully hits me on the arm, "I only do shit like this with you. You always have me doing some crazy shit."

"I kind of like that you're that way. My baby does what I say." I laugh a little.

"I don't. I feel like you have control over me sometimes." She says

"Good. Now that I've proven you wrong, about wanting my dick, I have something else in mind I wanna do."


"First, lets go get something to eat and we'll go from there. The night has gone so well so far, I wouldn't want to end it so soon. So let's just keep this energy, and enjoy each other's company. I haven't spent time with you like this in a long ass time."

"I know right. I like it. I forgot how much I love being around you." She says and I just smile. I've missed this woman so much.

"I haven't seen you smile in forever." I say, pulling her close to me.

"I know." She says and I see the sadness in her face.

"Let's keep you smiling." I hug her and she hugs me tighter. "You wanna know something?"

"What?" She asks pulling away.

"I fell in love with you on our first date." I confess

She smiles, but doesn't say anything.

"I know you know. And if you don't want to be with me, let me know. I know you just don't want to hurt me, but its okay babe. Give it to me, let me hear you say it." I say

"At first, right after we broke up I didn't, and I was forcing myself to get over you, but as some time had gone by, I realized I'm fighting a losing battle. You cheated, and you lied and people seem to forget that. I was hurt, not only by you cheating, but that you put yourself in that situation. I feel like you should've known better, but maybe I was wrong."

"Nah baby, you weren't wrong. Anyone would be upset about what happened. Anyone can say what they will do if it were them, but when they're in the situation, they might do the same exact thing. You felt what you needed to do was leave. I don't fault you for that." I say trying to validate her feelings. I really don't fault her, I just didn't want her to break up with me.

"Thank you for that. You fans are killing me on social media. I'm literally getting hate DM's and I'm constantly blocking people. I can't blame them though, they love you and I guess just looking out for you. I've had a lot of time to think, like really think about this and I love you and I want to be with you, Chris. I can't keep fighting this." She says and I smile.


"No. Look at me." She says and I look into her eyes, "I want to be with you. I'm yours."

I see the seriousness in her eyes. She's ready.

"I acknowledge that I messed up. I made everything worse with Drake—."

I cut her off, "There's no need to say all of that. I know. You messed up, I messed up, we'll work through this for real, as a couple. How it should've been from the beginning."

She nods her head, "I like that idea."

"Clean up loose ends, and we can move on." I say referring to Drake. "We can have a fresh start."

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