All On Me

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Shawnie's POV

"CHRIS!" I yell running after him, grabbing his shirt. He swats my hand away, not looking at me. "STOP AND TALK TO ME!" I yell but he keeps walking, then gets into his car.

He's really about to leave. What the fuck?

I run and get in his car.


"Babe, talk to me. I wasn't trying to save him. I only wanted to stop you from fighting."

"You jumped in front of him." He says

"To stop you. Babe?"

"GET OUT OF MY CAR!" he yells directly in my face. I'm shocked. I look in his eyes and I don't see Chris anymore, I don't know what or who I see.


He cuts me off yelling again, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR SHAWNIE!!" He yells again and I freeze.

"Chris, I'm sorry. I wasn't—."

"Okay! You don't want to get out? Okay." He opens his door and gets out of his car. I watch as he walks over to my side of the car, opens my door and he aggressively reaches for me. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR!"

"CHRIS STOP!" I yell, starting to cry. What the hell is wrong with him? He was grabbing at my shirt, trying to grab ahold of me, but he couldn't. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was like everything was taking place in slow motion. I was in shock.

Chris was scary. His anger has never been directed towards me like this. This was something I've never seen or experienced with him before. He was yelling at me, grabbing on me, trying to get me out of the car. He ripped my shirt, and pulled my hair, trying to pull me out. He wouldn't stop, and he was doing this in front of everyone. It's like he didn't care. I'm sure the paps were recording this, yet no one is helping me get this man off of me.

He has snapped. He started trying to pull me by my legs out of the car. I kicked him off of me multiple times, I even kicked him in the face, but not on purpose. Once I did that, he really lost it. He grabbed me by my throat, but I kicked him off of me again. I screamed at the top of my lungs, then I saw Aubrey appear behind him. I'm not sure if he pulled Chris off of me, or if Chris willingly stopped, but the next thing I know, Chris hit him, and another guy, in the face. I try to climb out of the car on the drivers side, but he grabs my foot and yanks me back to the passenger side, then he drags me out of the car by my foot. I hit the back of my head on the bottom of his car, then the ground, then I feel myself being picked up, and  thrown back onto the ground, in the grass.

I immediately reach for the back of my head, in pain. My vision is a little blurry, but I can see Chris fighting at least 3 guys.

"Are you okay?" I hear Aubrey say.

"I'm fine." I look over at Chris. "CHRIS." I yell to get his attention, but he's too busy fighting off those other guys. I try to get up but Aubrey stops me.

"Don't move, the EMT's are on the way." He says

I stand to my feet anyway, trying to get myself together. Aubrey was in pain, his nose was so broken, but he was still trying to help me.

"Mami, I said don't move." He repeats but I continue to ignore him.

I see Chris running to his car, "CHRIS!" I call out again, but he ignores me, gets in his car and speeds off.

"Shawnie, don't worry about him. He just kicked your ass and you're worried about him?"

"He didn't kick my ass. Don't say that. He didn't hit me."

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