Ch-1, A New Beginning!❤

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"And Suddenly You Just Know
It's Time To Start Something New
And Trust The Magic Of Beginnings"

Bondita, who was now a twenty- five year old Barrister, read these lines and closed the novel she was reading. It had been four years to their marriage!.. Everything was going pretty well. Infact Somnath, who was now a doctor, was also married to Dr. Vibhavari  for three years. They all lived like a happy Family.

Bondita kept down her novel and looked up at the big Clock kept in the study. It was nine at night. Anirudh was yet not home. He had gone for some urgent paper work to Deenpur that morning and was supposed to return by night. Though he had already told her not to wait, she just wanted to.

She leaned back onto his office chair, resting her head when her eyes suddenly fell on a card lying on the table carelessly. She stretched out her arm to pick it up and starting reading it casually.

It was an invitation card, of a baby shower. Kadambiri was about to have a baby! Yes, the same Kadambiri they had helped a few years back. Bondita sighed deeply and kept the piece of paper back on the table.

'Yet another baby shower!.. ' she thought sighing.
'But Kadambiri is so young!... And she got married after me!... Still having a baby before me?' she thought and wondered.

Since the past few days, she had started having a sudden urge to be around babies. She would start playing with any toddler she found in the temple or while walling on the street. Her arms would long to pick the child up and hug him close to her. She would give them sweets and talk to them for long. Their mothers too, liked when the Barrister Babu of the village played with their kids so lovingly. They would feel proud that the 'Choti Maalkin' loved their kids.

Bondita had been thinking a lot about babies and she too wanted to have one!... Yes, she wanted to have a baby of her own. A baby that would just be hers and her Pati babu's, ofcourse. How could she have a baby without him?.... But she felt really shy and scared to ask him for a baby.

Its not that she feared him, but she knew his fears about her own fears. Soon after they confessed their love, she had told him about her fear of having a child. At that time, she even had a fear about being close to her husband! But that was gone soon, as they consummated their marriage on her own initiative!...

Today also, she knew what she wanted and that her fears were genuine. But what she didn't know were the fears of Anirudh, and she didn't know how to convince her husband to have a child?...

She had buried her head in her folded arms and was continuously trying to chain her thoughts, trying to find out the easiest way to talk to him. Afterall its a matter to shy about. Those days, women never talked to their husbands like this.

But Bondita and Anirudh have always been different!... And they had a better relationship than many others.



Bondita was sitting in the study thinking this, when she heard Anirudh's car horn. She raised her head from her arms and stood up happily. It had been a whole long day without him and she wanted to see him badly!... She quickly managed her pallu nicely and ran to the door.

Anirudh had gotten down the car and was taking out his stuff from the back seat. Bondita came and stood beside him. As he stood straight and turned, he smiled ever so beautifully, looking at his wife. Bondita stood there with her loving smile, ready to recieve her Pati Babu!....

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