Ch-97, The Plans Of The Universe

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What the destiny plans, awaits the right time. Right time according to the universe, not according to an indivisual. It's the only truth of life that everything is preplanned yet unplanned in the most weirdly- beautiful ways!❤️

What makes it different and worth happening is our take upon it. That how we react upon things. Afterall, life is all about reacting to what destiny offers in our way. And at the end, it will make sense, if not to us, then to the world.

But it all happens for greater reasons!💕


Rudhi and Raghav were sitting on the dining table while Raghav's parents and the other family members sat outside. No one was much worried now. Somnath had informed them that Bondita was absolutely fine and there was nothing to be scared of.

Rudhi was sitting a picture book of Cinderella. That was her favourite book currently. Her Maa had brought this from Calcutta. Raghav was sitting beside her, getting bored as she stared at the picture book and wasn't talking to him at all.

"Princess." He sighed, burying his head in his arms on the table.
"Why don't we go and play something?" He asked.

"No. I don't want to play, sorry." Rudhi told him softly. She wasn't as rude with him now.

After they had played together with her friends, she had been talking to him normally now. Still, she wasn't as close to him as she was to Rudra.

Afterall Rudra was special!

Raghav just shook his head and stood up to leave and sit with his parents. But that was when Shubra Maa brought two glasses of milk in a tray.

"Sit down Raghav. Have your milk first." She told keeping the glasses in front of the kids.

"Dida, sugar!" Rudhi looked up at her grandmother.

"Oh yes." Shubra Maa smiled shaking her head a bit and forwarded a sugar bowl with a spoon to Rudhi.

Rudhi scooped up two full spoons of sugar and poured it into the milk. Raghav was already drinking his warm milk and he knew it was already sweet. Seeing Rudhi pour so much more sugar into the glass, he widened his eyes at her.

"Princess! Isn't that too much of sugar?" He asked with surprise.

"She does this all the time, Beta. She loves to drink sugar in her milk. That's why her Baba doesn't allow her to have many sweets other than her sweeter than honey milk!" Shubra Maa told him, shaking her head.

"I love sugar!" Rudhi exclaimed and drank her milk happily.

"Cheeni" Raghav murmured under his breath, but he was audible enough for Rudhi to look at him and frown.

"What did you say?" She asked with a grumpy frown.

"Your new name!" Raghav grinned at her.
"Cheeni!" He giggled and Rudhi just looked away, rolling her eyes.

"Cheeni?" She frowned, rolling her eyes at him.

"Yes princess, I'll call you Cheeni now!" He said and pulled her cheeks lovingly.

Rudhi didn't push away his hands this time. It didn't even feel so bad when he pulled her cheeks today. Maybe it was due to the care he showed for Rudhi while her mother wasn't well.

When she had been crying earlier, he had brought her a glass of water and talked to her. Rudhi had even started laughing at his fun talks.

Maybe that's why she wasn't getting irritated by him for now.

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