Ch-90, The Soul Connection

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"Parents, alone or together are always there to love their kids with the whole heart!"

Days passed slowly and gradually in the absence of Bondita. Though she called daily, the load of her work didn't allow her to talk a lot as she was mostly tired after the long days of work and meetings.

Anirudh had also busied himself in work and taking care of Rudhi. He would spend the whole day being busy so that he couldn't get the time to miss his Bondita. But what about nights? He couldn't sleep without her afterall!

Although, his Mishti was his new favourite person to hug and sleep, Bondita would always remain the first in the list!

It was just after a few days of Bondita's departure, Anirudh was in the court, preparing for a hearing when he got a call from Rudhi's school.

"Hello, Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdhary speaking." He answered the phone, the receiver held between his ear and the shoulder as he was writing something.

"Mr. Roy Chowdhary, I'm speaking from your daughter's school." A lady spoke from the other side, making Anirudh frown as he kept down his pen and held the receiver carefully now.

"Yes, what happened Madame? Is everything fine?" He asked, worry making it's way to his heart.

"I'm scared it's not." The woman murmured.
"Rudhaanshi Roy Chowdhary had been complaining of a head ache since morning and now she has a high fever, I'd request you to please come and take her home with you." The lady informed.

"Headache? F.. Fever?" Anirudh gasped.

This morning, Rudhi had told him that she had a little headache, but he let it go thinking she was just doing this so that he didn't send her to school. Also, he didn't want to make his daughter so weak just from a headache.

"I... I'm coming right away! Please take care of her!" He quickly got up, almost throwing back the receiver on the telephone and reached out for his car keys quickly.

"Subhash Da!" He called on his way out and a peon came running.
"I'm leaving now, it's an emergency. Please tell Subodh Babu to take care of the sase alone." He commanded, running straight into the car and driving off quickly.

The school was a little far away from the court, but he would reach there in ten minutes if he rushed the car.

"Baba's coming Mishti!" He murmured, feeling a sense of guilt building up in the pit of his stomach.

"I... I should've listened to you i... in the morning itself! Baba shouldn't have sent you to school, my Baby!" He sounded like he could cry anytime now, but he didn't have time for all this, he needed to rush.

Reaching Rudhi's school, Anirudh quickly rushed inside, asking the way to the school medical room.

"Rudhi!" He ran into the room upon reaching and the lady doctor quickly came to him.

"Mr. Roy Chowdhary! Thank god you're here! Rudhaanshi was crying and asking us to call you quick." She informed as she directed him to an inner room where there were 5 single beds laid down and Rudhi was laid on one of them.

As soon as Rudhi saw him, she sat up straight and looked at her Baba with tears in her eyes.

"Baba!" She cried and Anirudh quickly ran to her, engulfing her in his warm hug.
"I was so scared Baba!" She informed, starting to cry now.

"It's okay Mishti, Baba's here now! We'll go back home!" He gently brushed his hand over her hair, tears making way to his eyes already.

"Wh... What has happened her?" He turned to he doctor, still not letting go of his daughter.

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