Ch-91, Divine Bonds, Old And New!❤️

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A bond between two wonderful souls is divine!✨️

Later that evening, Anirudh woke up while Rudhi was still fast asleep in his arms. He picked up the clinical thermometer which Som had left on his bed-side table.

Keeping it below Rudhi's tongue, he waited for a while before checking her temperature, which was still high but now lower than before.

"Get well soon, Princess!" He murmured as he bent down to place a gentle kiss on her head.
"I'll go and call Maa." He said to a sleeping Rudhi and stood up, tucking her comfortably in the warm blanket.

Walking down he asked Koyeli to go and sit beside Rudhi's bed in case she needed something. He didn't want to leave his princess alone afterall.


It was after a couple of hours that Bondita's conference had finally ended. She had gone to talk to the senior Barrister from Banaras and praised his ideas before they talked for a while.

As she walked back to the hotel, smiling at the receptionist, the lady stopped her.

"Madame, there had been a call from your husband. He has asked you to call him back immediately." The receptionist informed.

"Oh okay? How long has it been since he called?" Bondita asked.

"It's been ten minutes I guess. You should call, he seemed worried." The lady informed.

That was it, Bondita couldn't even process the whole sentence and her feet had already started walking to the telephone. She just hoped evrything was fine at home. Infact, she had even planned how she'll be able to reach by tomorrow morning if she left for the railway station now!

"Hello? Pati Babu?" Bondita had dialled the number quickly.

"Bondita!" He whispered, sounding like he had breathed in relief after a long while.

"How's Rudhi?" She just asked, without even realising why she did so.

Why did she ask about Rudhi first? And why not about Anirudh himself instead?

That was because her soul, her heart already knew that it was Rudhi who needed her in the moment. Somewhere in her heart, the mother residing there, knew that Rudhi was in danger or maybe she was just missing her Maa a bit too much.

Mothers, infact parents get to know when their children are in pain or when they need them the most. They might even not, sometimes. But their conscience always does!
That's how God made parents!

"B- Bondita! Mishti... I... I'm sorry Bondita!" He spoke, a lone tear falling from his eye and Bondita could sense his sadness just in his voice.

"Wh... What happened Pati Babu? Mishti is fine, right? Please say something, you're scaring me!" She gulped, trying hard to stay calm.

"She... She got a high fever in school today," He started.
"And when I brought her back home, Som check her up and she... it's Varicella!" He informed.

"V- Varicella?" Bondita gasped.
"Pati Babu is she fine? She must be in discomfort right?" Bondita asked worriedly.

"She has rashes on her body and Maa applied Chandan to calm the irritation. The doctor has prescribed Quinine if her fever didn't go down soon." He told, feeling guilty now.

"Should I come back?" She just asked.

"I... I don't know! I... I feel so miserable right now!" Anirudh couldn't control his tears now.

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