Ch-37, The Vaccination And Jealousy

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Long time!  Missed you all and your lovely comments!❤️ I wish to go on a writing spree!❤️ so do vote and comment plss❤️❤️

If anyone of you isn't done with their exams, do tell me and I'll try to delay the posts a bit!❤️ I don't want anyone to stay behind in this journey with me!❤️

"We never know the love of a parent, until we become parents ourselves!"

"Bondita, we'll get late!" Anirudh shouted from the hall as he and Rudhi waited for Bondita to come from the kitchen.

"Your Maa will never change, Mishti! She's always late!" Anirudh told Rudhi, who was happily playing with his collar. He brushed her soft hair lovingly and kissed her head.

"Let's go, Pati Babu!" Bondita came out of the kitchen after she was done preparing the dinner. Anirudh quickly handed Bondita, her handbag as they walked out to the car.

Anirudh carefully kept Rudhi's bag on the back seat and let the door open for Bondita, who was still walking behind, adjusting her saree. As Bondita sat, he placed little Rudhi on her lap with a smile. Rudhi was licking a Lollipop that her Batuk Kaka (shall we call him Super Chachu?!😉😂) had given her just a few minutes ago.

He quickly sat on his seat and drove to the clinic. He was already scared for his baby, but she seemed so happy about this outing with her parents.

"Is it necessary?" He asked Bondita, almost for the hundredth time since morning.

"Yes, Pati Babu!" She replied with a sigh, getting irritated now, as she continued to play with her baby. He just sighed and drove quietly.

Reaching the clinic, as Bondita sat on the chair and lied down Rudhi in her lap, Anirudh stood beside nervously.

"Will it pain a lot Uncle?!" He asked Dr. Ganguly, who was just getting the injection ready.

"Maybe! But she might not even get to know it. Let her be, Anirudh!" The Doctor smiled at him as he moved closer to the baby.

Anirudh glanced down at Bondita and she just smiled back at him, assuring him.

As the doctor held Rudhi's leg, Bondita had lifted her daughter's clothing upto the thigh.
Anirudh moved forward and kneeling down, he wrapped his arms around his daughter.

All this while, Rudhi was looking around, scared. She was nervous about what was happening with her and that why were her parent's holding her like that. She tried to wriggle in Bondita's arms, but her Baba had already held her firmly.

As the doctor injected her, she felt a sudden pain at the area and started to cry loudly, throwing her lollipop away. The doctor instantly rubbed her skin with a medicated cotton and it just increased the burning sensation for the baby.

Anirudh had lowered his head with his eyes pressed tightly, fearing the pain his daughter would go through. As he heard her cry, he looked up and found Bondita rubbing Rudhi's back. She too had little tears in her eyes.

Anirudh instantly kissed Rudhi's head lovingly and pulled out a lollipop fron his pocket. Unwrapping it, he held it close to his baby's lips and baby talked to her.

Rudhi had just hugged her Maa tightly, clutching onto Bondita's hair and crying loudly. Her Baba had held out something sweet near her lips, but she didn't want that. She just wanted her Maa and Baba at the moment.

Anirudh held her hand and kissed it lovingly before he shook his hand with Dr. Ganguly, heading towards the car.

"My sweet Baby!... You're such a brave a girl, calm down Shona!" Bondita was trying hard to calm her crying baby. Bondita had been so brave throughout. But tears made their way to her eyes the moment she saw the injection needle piercing her daughter's soft skin.

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