Ch-96, When Destiny Takes A Turn

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n the the drive back home, Rudhi was just excited for her friends coming to her home. She had been waiting to play with them and now she had to even tell them about her date with her Baba. She found her Baba the coolest amongst all her friends.

Reaching home, Rudhi instantly ran inside to look for her friends and Anirudh got off the car after parking it rightly.
He saw another car parked outside the Haveli.

"Bijoy Da is here?" He gasped and walked inside excitedly.

If Mr. Bijoy was here, that meant Raghav was here too. And as soon as anirudh entered the Haveli he stopped in his tracks to see Raghav and Rudhi standing near his study.

Raghav was pulling onto her cheeks yet again. She didn't deny this time but she didn't even seem happy. Anirudh shook his head and walked away to meet his Bijoy Da.

"How are you now, Princess?" Raghav asked, pulling Rudhi's cheeks.

Rudhi just rolled her eyes at him, willing to run away and play with her friends. But today she had decided to ask this boy what exactly was his problem.

"Why do you always pull my cheeks?" She asked with a frown, pulling back from him and folding her arms.

"Because you're cute." He replied as if it was the most obvious thing and Rudhi shouldn't have even cared to ask about it.

"So?" Rudhi frowned more and asked him again.

"Why can't I pull your cheeks? Do you not like that?" Now Raghav asked with hos eyebrows raised a bit sadly.

"You..." Rudhi was speaking but she saw Rudraaksh and Monishika entering from the main door behind Raghav and quickly ran to them.

"Moniii!! Rudra! I missed you both so much!" She shouted going and hugging both her friends.

Rudra was already six now and Rudhi and Moni were also near to cross the number.

"How're you Rudhi? Are you fine now? I missed you so much in school!" Rudra told sadly.

"But I missed her more and she knows that!" Moni argued and hugged Rudhi again.

"I was the one sitting alone because Rudhi wasn't coming." Rudra rolled his eyes and smiled at Rudhi.
"Are you fine now? My Maa told you had high fever. Is it good now?" He asked touching Rudhi's forehead with the back of his hand as if he was a doctor.

"Yes! I even had Kulfi with Baba today. That means I'm completely fine!" Rudhi giggled pulling them both inside the house. They had come with Monishika's driver.

As the three kids were passing by the study, Raghav was still standing there. He had been looking at Rudhi and her friends with a smile. But that smile hadn't reached his eyes.

He was missing his friends. They all had been left back in Kashi after his Baba decided to come back here. He was missing playing with his friends just like Rudhi. But this little girl's happiness was too much to take care of his grief, unknowingly perhaps.

"Who is he, Rudhi?" Rudra asked looking at Raghav.

"He is...." Rudhi pouted, not wanting to call Raghav her friends just now. And something about this five years elder boy was stopping her from calling him Dada either.
"Baba's..." She started but Raghav walled closer to the kids with a smile.

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