Ch- 25, The Connection With You

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Jist when you think you know love, someone so little and precious comes along to remind you, just how big love really is!❤️

As Anirudh walked up to his room, later that evening, Maa and Vibhavari were sitting with Bondita. The baby was sleeping peacefully in the cot.

"What are you all up to?" He asked softly. "Shall I leave?"

"No, no, Dada!" Vibhavari said, pulling his hand and making him sit on the bed with them.
"Didi's Maa has sent her childhood clothes and Maa has gotten yours too!" She told excitedly.

"And why so?" He asked chuckling.

"Because little babies aren't made to wear new clothes, Anirudh! They get sick" Maa explained while Bondita and Vibhavari were busy checking the clothes.

Anirudh reached his hand out and picked up a little pink frock from the bed.

"Is it yours?" He asked looking at Bondita with awe and she nodded with a giggle.

"So cute! My angel will wear this, the first!" He announced and looked at his sleeping baby in the cot. He still wasn't able to believe that the child in front of him was his! He was still unable to believe that he, Anirudh Roy Chowdhary was the father  of this beautiful little girl!

As Maa and Vibhavari left the room, he stood up and walked to the other side of the bed where Bondita sat.
He touched her cheek lovingly and kissed her forehead, while Bondita just smiled at him warmly.

"How are you?" Anirudh asked, looking into her eyes.

Bondita wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"The best!" She murmured. He held her to him tightly and sat like that for a few minutes before parting.

"Bondita, you didn't tell me what shall we call her!" He said, looking at the sleeping fairy again. She was sleeping so deeply, that her parents' talks too, weren't disturbing her.

Bondita giggled excitedly and opened her side table drawer to take out their diary.

"Here, read this, Pati Babu!" She told and Anirudh took it curiously. He opened the last written page and started reading the few lines, written.

It said, "Pati Babu, i don't know if you have thought something or not. But I have really thought a name for our child. I don't know why, I could only think of a name of a girl. People say that a pregnant woman's instincts are the strongest, and I just have a mere feeling that we're gonna have a beautiful daughter, just like you want!

I'll be happy with a son too, but I just couldn't find a name for him. If we have a son, either you name him or we'll ask Kaka sasurji!

But for our daughter, I have a name in my mind and I really hope you like it!

Pati Babu, I want my daughter to be just like her father. Even, I want our son too, to be just like you!

My Baba once told me, that every daughter is her Father's piece of heart! So why can't we name our daughter after her father?

I want her to be a part of you! A "Ansh" of Anirudh Roy Chowdhary!

I want her to be Rudhaanshi! Your Rudhaanshi!.. Our Rudhaanshi!

Would you allow me? That's my only wish regarding her name. Otherwise, I'll be happy with what you or the elders decide.


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