Ch-93, A Realisation And A Decision!

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"RIOTS? What are you talking about?" Anirudh almost screamed in fear on the telephone call with the Hotel Receptionist.

"Yes Sir. There have been riots around the hotel and thus, we've been asked to lock all the guests in their respective rooms." The receptionist on the phone told him.

"I... I don't care! I WANT TO TAKE TO MY WIFE AT ANY COST! WHERE IS SHE?" Anirudh was panicked as he shouted on the phone.

"Sir, please calm down! Your wife is absolutely safe in our hotel. If you want we can call her down." The lady just sighed as Anirudh wasn't ready to listen to any of her words.

"Yes please! And make sure she's safe! Otherwise make some arrangements for a telephone line in her room! I'd like that better." He rolled his eyes, his heart already racing in fear.

"Sir, she's here!" The receptionist handed the phone to Bondita after a while.

"Hello?, Pati Babu?" Bondita whispered into the phone nervously.

"B... Bondita! Are you fine?" He asked immediately.
"Th... These Riots?? Tell me you're safe, right?"

"Yes, Pati Babu! I'm absolutely safe in the hotel. You don't need to worry....." She spoke.

"Ofcourse I need to worry!" Anirudh snapped at her.
"Who'll worry if I won't?" He asked, litte tears glossing his eyes.

"Pati Babu! Please don't worry!" Bondita just sighed with a smile.
"I'm relieved now that I heard your voice. I'm not even scared now!" She smiled.

"Were you... scared too?" He asked with some sadness in his voice.
"I'm so sorry, I am not there Shona!" He felt so helpless yet again.

"Pati Babu, please! Stop this! You're always there for me! Everytime!!" She told him with a frown.
"And I'm completely safe under your love!" She told him.

"I... Shall I try to contact some of my commisioner friends there? They'll send you back to Tulsipur safely!" He suggested.

"No, Pati Babu! No matter how much I want to come back, I don't want to run away from this. I'll face this because this has given me a sense of power and realisation that a lot is still needed to be done for the country and it's people!" She breathed lightly.
"I'll stay here, discuss a few more things with the senior barristers and return once the workshop is over!" She added.

"But.... are you sure?" He still asked.

"Absolutely! And you know what gave me this confidence? Your love, Pati Babu! I know, that until you're there with Rudhi, I don't need to worry about anything! I'm completely relieved about the whole family and especially Puchki! The only person I'm worried about is you! You'll need me and I promise I'll cone back very soon to my Pati Babu!" She spoke with a smile, making Anirudh sigh with a light smile now.

"I... I miss you!" He spoke like a little kid.

"I miss you more!" She whispered.

"I love you, My Bondita Roy Chowdhary!" He smiled, making her heart flutter in absolute happiness and love.

"I love you so much, My Anirudh Roy Chowdhary!" She also replied, giggling into the phone as he smiled, his heart fluttering upon hearing her giggle.

"Take care of yourself! My arms are aching to hold you again!" He whispered into the phone.

"I'm coming to you soon, Pati Babu's arms!" She giggled before they both hung up the phone wishing each other a good night.


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