Ch-32, Just You

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Every time I feel troubled, I just think of your love to ease my soul. That is the power of your love. ❤️

Time passed quickly with their daughter, Rudhi was almost seven months old and she had started to sit up straight and even try to crawl on the bed.

Everyone in the house had to just more careful with their angel. She had starting to grab thing tightly in her little hands and threw them away, too.

Binoy's specs were the first one to face this. He had now stopped removing his specs even for a second around Rudhi, now.
Other than this, everyone's hair in the house were not given any mercy, either. The ladies could tie their hair, but her father and uncles had to bear her little fingers, pulling their tresses and she laughing loudly.

It was one day, when Anirudh was getting ready for office and Rudhi sat on the bed, playing peacefully with her rattle. She looked up at her Baba, who was combing his hair and out of nowhere, threw her rattle, right at him.

It hit his shoulder, before falling down and he just turned around, rubbing the area.

"What happened, Mishti?" He asked, rubbing his arm and walking to her.
"Why did you throw that?"

Rudhi just continued stare at him and laughed out loud. She enjoyed getting his attention as she threw the rattle at him.  She looked down at the bed full of her toys and picked up a little ball, throwing at Anirudh's face.

He rubbed his nose painfully and picked her up in his arms.

"Ms. Rudhaanshi Roy Chowdhary! You're getting naughtier day by day. It's not good to throw things like this, and that too on your Baba!" He slapped her cheek softly and she giggled instead.

"Now you're shameless, too?! Just like your Maa!" He said and laughed, bending down to pick the ball and the rattle up, Rudhi still in his arms.

He had dressed for the court and Bondita was just in he kitchen, preparing their lunch. Anirudh just quickly changed Rudhi's nappy and took her downstairs.

He made her sit  down on the mat where Kaka and Baba were reading their Bengali and English newspapers, respectively. He stood up, not before kissing her chubby cheek.

"My little Roshogulla!" He murmured, wanting to kiss her little cheek harder but he feared his Kaka's wrath.

Once he had kissed Rudhi a bit harder and her cheek got red due to his slightly grown beard. Just this, and Kaka had shouted at him for atleast an hour!

He just stood up, chuckling and went to the breakfast table. He smiled gently and sat on hsi chair. As Bondita came to serve him, he held her hand instantly.

"Pati Babu, behave!" She whispered, glaring at him.

"Never!" He replied, not wanting to leave her hand until Maa cleared her throat at them and he left her.

"You're a father now, Anirudh. Start behaving!" She told while Vibhavari and Bondita just giggled along with Som and Batuk.

"Done, all of you?" He glared at each one of them, making them laugh louder. Anirudh just shook his head and started eating.

As Bondita walked to her room at night, to change into a lighter saree, Anirudh followed her. Rudhi was still playing with Som, Batuk and Vibhavari.

He quickly locked the door behind him and walked to her. Bondita just looked up at him for a moment, before he hugged her tightly from behind. He slid his hands beneath her pallu and touched her waist sensually.

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