Ch-81, Incomplete?

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This chapter talks about a very sensitive and undiscussed topic.
I'm really hope to see your comments about what you think about it.✨️❤️

There's a note at the end of the chapter, don't forget to read and share your views upon it as well.

That evening, when Somnath and Vibhavari came back from work, they were quite tensed. Somnath held Vibhavari's hand assuring her and requesting to act normal atleast in front of the family.

"Som ji, I'm fine." She murmured as they walked inside the Haveli and Vansh ran to them happily.

"Maa Babaa!!!" He shouted and hugged them tightly.

"Aww my bacchaa!" Somnath happily picked him up as Vibhavari kissed his cheeks.
"How was your day?" He asked.

"It was boring! Kaka was teaching Rudhi Didi for the whole day and so we couldn't play much." He pouted, complaining as Somnath walked inside and settled onto the Sofa in the hall.

"Accha? So shall I make you study too?" Anirudh called out, walking out of the study accompanied by Bondita and Rudhi.
"Then you won't get bored!" He teased.

"If it's ever in Dada's hands, he'd make the whole world study for the day!" Somnath laughed, rolling his eyes at his brother.

Anirudh just shook his head and sat on the other side of the sofa while Bondita and Vibhavari giggled.

"Come on Vansh! Let's play?" Rudhi asked excitedly.

"Aren't you tired anymore?" The little boy asked instead.

"No, I'm not tired now." She told happily walking close to him.

"No Didi! I want to play with Maa Baba too!" Vansh pouted and hugged his Maa, jumping into her lap.

Rudhi just smiled and went to sit in Anirudh's lap.

They all sat their talking and discussing about their days and work. Binoy Babu also joined them, while Trilochan Babu and Shubra Maa were gone to the temple.


It was late after dinner that Somnath walked into Anirudh's study while the latter was busy arranging a few books in the shelf.

"I don't understand how does Bondita manage to do all of it so quick?" Anirudh murmured as he heard the study door open.

"Dada are you busy?" Somnath asked, walking inside and closing rhe door behind him.

"No I'll just go to sleep after this. What happened? You look stressed...." He asked sensing the tension on his brother's face.

"Just a moment. I've called Boudi too, she must be coming." Somnath told, sitting onto the couch.

It really seemed something serious now. If it involved Bondita too, it must be something even important. Anirudh thought and sat beside his brother.

"Is everything Okay Som?" He asked, placing his hand onto Somnath's shoulder.

"I think so." Somnath murmured.

"You're scaring me now!" Anirudh frowned with worry.

"Who's scaring whom?" Bondita asked, walking inside the study and closing the door behind her. She went and sat beside Anirudh.

"Actually.... Its about Batuk and Mallika." Somnath started, placing a file onto the table in front of them.

Anirudh and Bondita modded, listening patiently as he spoke.

"They'd been trying for a baby for a long time now. But their prayers were never answered." He spoke softly, his voice sounding broken.

"Yeah, but we shouldn't lose hope, right?" Bondita smiled gently.

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