Ch- 48, You're My God!❤️

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"If I'm the Moon, you're my Sun, Pati Babu.
Whom I'll always need to shine bright!"

Anirudh was so proud of his Bondita that day. But Bondita was even happier, making him proud!

"No Pati Babu! Thank YOU! Bondita will always be incomplete without her Anirudh! You're the one who had always guided me for the best and helped me follow the righ path!" She said, clutching his hands lovingly.

"And about Outshining you!" She spoke, wiping her cheeks.

"I can NEVER outshine you, Pati Babu! The Moon may shine the brightest, but it always needs the light and support of the Sun to shine!" She said and Anirudh just gasped softly at her reference.

"You're my Sun Pati Babu! I might be the Moon and I might even shine the brightest among all stars, in the sky. But I always need you to give me that strength! To give me that glitter of yours to light up the whole world!" She said, fresh tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You're the Sun that has burnt and keeps on burning for the goodness! For ny goodness and for the fulfillment of our dream! I'm just a mere reflection of yours, Pati Babu!" She told and kissed his hands.

"Bondita Roy Chowdhary is just a mere reflection of The Anirudh Roy Chowdhary!" She spoke, making his heart flatter at each word of hers.

"You're my God Pati Babu! You're the God whom Bondita wishes to worship with all her heart!"

"Thankyou so much, Pati Babu!" She said and hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest happily.

Tears continued to flow down both her cheeks and the most precious smiles didn't leave their faces for even a moment!


"I don't like this, Shubra Behen!" Kaka stomped his cane on the floor of his room as Shubra Maa stood behind him, listening to him quietly.
"We need to talk to him about it! We can't let him feel sad and left out!"

"B... But Lochan Da, what of he isn't feeling anything like that and we're just overthinking?" Shubra Maa spoke, knowing her son's unconditional love for his wife.

"No chance! I know better than you!" Kaka hissed.
"No man can see his wife surpass him! It's always about his ego, afterall!"

Shubra Maa couldn't argue more and had started to agree to him.

"But what can we do? Anirudh will never listen a word against Bahu!" She said with a sigh.

"He will! You wait and watch!" Kaka replied thoughtfully and walked away, making Shubra Maa sigh in defeat too.


"Thankyou so much for Bringing her here, Batuk!" Mallika exclaimed happily as she continued to play with Rudhi.

"It's fine!" Batuk smiled at the two, standing beside Mallika.

"But you didn't tell anyone at your home, did you?" Mallika asked, kissing Rudhi's cheek as the baby girl continued to play with her new friend.

"Oh! Dada and Boudi know it! Dada won't let Rudhi go away from his eyes without his knowledge, even for a second!" Batuk laughed happily.

"I think all fathers have a great place for a daughter in their hearts!" Batuk remarked, touching Rudhi's head lovingly.

"Not all fathers are the same I suppose!" Mallika murmured, looking out of the  huge front glass of the car they were sitting in.

"And why would you say so?" Batuk asked looking at her as Rudhi happily cooed in her arms.

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