Ch-80, Different Parents, Different Stories!

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Note- This is nothing serious! Infact it's funny!😂
I'd like to tell you all that your stupid author has already written the plot for Rudhi's love life!!!😂
Like, seriously! I've planned it all and written a short storyline for the same too!
I'm really excited for it and I want the story to reach there quickly! But that only depends upon your love! The more this book will get love, the more I'll get inspired to write!❤️

Now enjoy reading!😂❤️


"Not all parents are the same,
Neither their stories!❤️"

A few more weeks had passed and Rudhi was clearly enjoying her school life. She was really happy with her friends and the teachers. Though she didn't like studying much, but her parents were just too particular with her studies.

Anirudh and Bondita would make her study as soon as they came back from the court.

Bondita had finally been established completely as a Barrister and was quite famous. Anirudh was already one of the top barristers amongst others of his time and had been working really hard upon all the other social work too.

Somnath and Vibhavari were already well established doctors in Tulsipur and had worked upon the healthcare for the village. They'd now started to go to many other small and big towns of the country for workshops along with other doctors. The country was going through hard times, afterall.

Mallika and Vibhavari were doing fine with their lives too, or maybe it seemed so. They'd been doing good academically, but there were other things running in their minds as well.


"Mishti! Pay attention!" Anirudh said in a firm voice, tapping the back of his pen onto Rudhi's notebook.

"Baba I'm doing." Rudhi murmured, still playing with her pencil.

"MISHTI!" He raised his voice a bit and the little girl startled, looking up at him with a pout as the pencil fell from her hand in shock.

"Baba you scared me!" She whined.

"Then why aren't you listening to me? I told you to write '' ten times and you're busy playing with the pencil!" He said with an upset frown.

"Baba I'm tired!" She said, stretching her arm on the table and resting her head onto the notebook.
"I don't want to write anymore." She pouted.

"Mishti!" He warned.
"You weren't tired when you were busy playing with Vansh and Rudra a while ago. Only studies make you tired all the tine?"

"But Babaaaaaa....." She pouted, feeling sleepy now.

"You won't listen to me?" Anirudh raised his eyebrow.
"Shall I call Maa?" He warned her yet again.

"No! I'll do it!" Rudhi let out a dramatic sigh and sat up straight, trying to copy the her Baba had written.

"You can't keave the study without doing this!" Anirudh told, before again getting busy reading his files and making notes for the case.

Rudhi sat their, pouting sadly as she wrote the Akshar.


Meanwhile in Batuk and Mallika's room, they were sitting and discussing something sadly. Batuk had wrapped his arms around Mallika while she rested her head onto his shoulder, sobbing.

"It's okay sweetheart, we'll not lose hope!" He consoled her as she hugged him tighter and sobbed even more bitterly.

"No Batuk! Haven't you seen, Waheguru Ji isn't listening to our prayers!" She cried.
"He's being so cruel towards us that even our tears can't melt him! You know na how badly I want to be a mother!"

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