Ch-92, Riots In Calcutta And Rudhi's Weird Behaviour

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After the phone call with her Pati Babu, Bondita had walked to her bedroom in the hotel. She looked tired, she infact was really tired and exhausted. She wanted to fall asleep, but after hearing about Rudhi's health she just couldn't.

Laying in her bed after freshening up, she was just staring at the ceiling above. She was worried, so worried about what must be happening at her home in the moment. She was obviously worried about Rudhi, but she was also more worried about how will Anirudh manage it all alone.

It was not like there weren't people at home to help him, but she was a wife and she couldn't help worrying about her husband. Turning to her side, she just sighed heavily.

"Bondita, you should go back home! Your family needs you!" She whispered to herself with a sigh.

"But then, would Pati Babu even like this? What if he got angry about me leaving all this in between? What if he felt that I don't trust him?" She wondered.
"He's already not trusting himself with Rudhi. If this happens, he'd really start blaming himself! No, I can't just let him feel so."

"But how does that matter, I'll console him! I'll talk to him if he ever feels that! But I should be there with Rudhi at this moment. My Puchki needs me!" She decided, finally getting up and preparing to go and make a phone call to book her train ticket for tomorrow morning.

As soon as she got up, she could hear a lot of noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like a lot of men were shouting together. Quickly opening the door, she saw people rushing in and out from their rooms. It all seemed to be a chaos.

"What's happening Mr. Chatterjee?" She asked another Barrister, who was staying in the same hotel, rushing to his room.
"Where's everyone going? What's all this noise?"

"Mrs. Chowdhary! A riot has broke out downstairs. It seems to be a fight between two religious mobs. Everyone has been asked to stay inside their rooms itself." Mr. Chatterjee informed.
"Please go inside the room and do not come out until everything cools down." He told and waled inside his own room quickly.

"R.. Riots?!" Bondita gasped, walking inside and locking the door carefully.
"Why is all of this happening just now? Why, when I need to be with my daughter, am I locked in this hotel room?" She seemed to cry anytime now.

Walking to the window, she peeped down to see what was happening. She saw a man from one mob, burning down a shop of sarees and women's clothing.
The man shouted something, which sounded like a hail to the almighty and went on to burn another shop.

Bondita was devastated! She quickly shut the window, feeling scared all of a sudden. More than scared, she was full of rage! Full of confusion and hatred for all such people who did such heinous deeds in the name of GOD!

She wandered which God or faith supported such violence and genocide against others? How could such people even be humans?

"Why can't I do anything?" She cried, feeling so helpless.

It was obviously not safe for her to go down and fight a whole mob of angry, raging men! It was not practical at all!

She would have even done this if she was the only one getting affected. But she wasn't just Bondita. She was also her Pati Babu's wife, her Rudhi's mother and a daughter to both her families too!

She could risk her life, but how could she risk so many lives connected to her? Her Pati Babu would die if something happened to her and she knew this well! Then how could she think emotionally?

A mother needs to think practically and emotionally at the same time! There's no where in between!

Thinking all of this, she didn't even realise when she walked to her bed and fell asleep out of all the exhaustion.

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