Ch- 36, The First Pair Of Teeth

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May you attract someone who speaks your heart's language,
so you don't have to spend a lifetime translating your soul.❤️

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, Anirudh and Bondita had already gotten ready and everyone was having their breakfast.

"Beta, where is Rudhi?" Maa asked.

"She's still sleeping, Maa." Anirudh replied as Bondita sat beside him and started to serve herself.

As she served the food in her plate and took the first morsel, they all heard Rudhi cry. Rudhi was made to sleep in her cot, as she could crawl on the bed easily and fall down.

Bondita instantly got up only to be stopped by Anirudh. He held her hand and stood up instead.

"You eat. I'm already done, let me check her!" He said as she just smiled and sat back while he walked upstairs.

"Good Morning, Princess Mishti!" He said in the most joyous tone as he entered the room and smiled happily at his crying daughter. Earlier, her crying would make him sad too, but now he knew that little kids need to cry for communication.

"Come here, Babu!" He said as he picked her up in his arms and held her head protectively, rocking her.

He walked to the window and opened the huge glass doors.

"See! The day is so bright!" He exclaimed as Rudhi stopped crying and looked out of the window happily. The warmth of the sunlight in the chilly winters was really comfortable.

She turned to him and touched his face with her little fingers, tracing them on his lips and cheeks.

As she touched his lips, Anirudh instantly pressed her little index finger between his lips and she giggled happily. She pulled out her finger and looked at him for a moment, before she laughed again.

Anirudh too was laughing with her. She again touched his lips and he pressed her finger again. Rudhi was finding this new game really fascinating. Anirudh kept on doing it and enjoyed seeing her laugh aloud.

He went to the couch and picked up Rudhi's socks.

"It's too cool for you! You need to wear them, right?" He baby talked to her in the most kiddish accent he could make and made her wear the little socks. Her little Payals jingled in her tiny feet as she was smiling happily.

Soon Bondita came upstairs and saw her daughter playing with her Baba.

"All the love, only for your Baba? Nothing for Maa?" She exclaimed, resting her hands on her waist as Anirudh laughed at her teasingly.

Bondita quickly picked up Rudhi in her arms and kissed her cheek happily while Anirudh just smiled at them.

"Is it necessary to make her bath in these chilly winters, Bondita?" Anirudh followed his wife as she entered the washroom with Rudhi in her arms and sat down on a low stool, beside the little pink water tub.

"Yes, Pati Babu! She has to get vaccinated, today." Bondita shook her head as she dipped her elbow in the water tub to check for the temperature.

"But why does she need to bath in this weather, Jaan? She's already so beautiful!" He said, sitting down on the other little stool, beside his wife and looking at his baby with all the love he had in his eyes and heart.

"Because, after she gets vaccinated, she'll get a mild fever and then she won't be able to bath for atleast a couple of days!" Bondita told him casually, as she removed Rudhi's clothes gently.

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