Ch- 42, How Could You?

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"Misunderstanding someone reveals how little you know about that person!"

After leaving Rudhi with his Kaka, Anirudh had gone upstairs to see Bondita. As he entered the room silently, he found her sleeping soundly.

Moving closer to her, he sat on the bed corner, beside her and lovingly stroked her hair.
He suddenly had the urge to touch her, to kiss her and to love her warmly.

Bondita smiled in her sleep, as she felt his soft touch on her hair. She had always loved getting patted to sleep by her Pati Babu.

Anirudh just smiled looking at his baby. Ofcourse, she was his first baby!

He just bent down and kissed Bondita's chubby cheek. He let his lips linger there for sometime and inhaled her fragrance lovingly.

"I love you, Bondita!" He whispered against her skin and Bondita just stirred in her sleep.

Anirudh quickly sat up, biting his tongue cutely.

"Sorry, Shona!" He whispered and patted her head with love.

Moving his hand down, he held her hand over the blanket. Lacing his fingers with hers, he brought their hands close to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

"I don't know why I'm missing you all of a sudden!" He told a sleeping Bondita.
"We're together most of the time, still I feel like not having enough of you, my love!"

"Bondita...." His talking stopped as he suddenly heard something break downstairs.

Anirudh quickly freed Bondita's hand and ran downstairs, shutting the door carefully.


Meanwhile in the study Batuk was clearly angry with Mallika.

"Mallika!" Batuk yelled loudly.
"Hiw dare you?! He's my Dada!"

"What did I do?" She snapped back at him, standing up at her place.

"Just Shut Up!" He shouted, making sure to be soft enough that no one in the house heard him.

"I always knew you were a bit straight forward, Mallika!" He bellowed.
"But I never knew you would fall to this extent! I thought you liked me, but here you're, wanting my Dada!"

Mallika frowned at him. She had never said that she liked Anirudh! Infact she had started to consider him her brother.
She threw a vase kept on the table, angrily and it broke into a thousand pieces, just like her own heart.

"What the hell, BRC?!" She shouted back.
"How dare you think so ill about me? I love you so much! But I never knew, you thought so low of me!"

Tears had welled up her eyes. Batuk had never seen this girl being so sensitive, and that was the moment he realised what wrong he had done!

He had misunderstood her usage of words and her intentions!

"Ma... Mallika.... I.." He tried to speak, but as if the words didn't make up to his mouth.

"I don't want to listen to you right now!  I've never cared about my self respect in front of you, but I can't tolerate you thinking this ill about me!" Mallika cried, angrily.
"No one has ever dared to talk in a raised voice to Mallika! And I will teach you well for talking so low about me!"

Batuk just stood there sadly, tears welling up his own eyes. He had never wanted to disrespect his friend in any way. But his anger on Mallika, came out in ways he had never imagined!

Mallika yelled at him and ran out of the study, going back to her home.

Anirudh had walked down by now. The shattering voice he had heard, was of the vase that Mallika threw.

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