Ch- 13, Your Happiness!❤️

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You can always feel safe in my arms,
I'll never ket you go!... ❤️

The next morning, Bondita woke up in Anirudh's arms. This was the most obvious thing for her these days, though. She had always wished to have someone in whose arms she would find her solace, whose hug would giver her heart the warmth she needed. And no doubt, her Pati Babu was the one, he was always the one for her.

Placing a soft kiss on his cheek, she quickly got up and dressed for the day. It was their day- off, so she went down to help Maa and Vibhavari with the work. As she walked down the stairs, Maa and Vibhavari were already preparing for the morning aarti.

"Arey beta you are here!... Come, we were waiting for you!" Maa exclaimed as she prepared the Thaali.

"Good Morning Didi!..."Vibha wished and Bondita smiled back at her, as she bent down to touch Maa's feet.

They all did the Morning Aarti and walked to the kitchen. That day, Bondita insisted and helped them with the work. After they were done preparing the lunch, Bondita went up to her room.

"Is he still sleeping?... Maybe he's too tired!" She giggled to herself.

As she entered the room, Anirudh wasnt there and the blanket was already folded. The room looked so perfect.

"Hmm!... He is learning!" She laughed and went to check for him in the bathroom. She softly knocked the door, but he wasn't there too.

She turned and glanced at the mirror for a moment. Her sindoor had smudged a bit, falling on her forehead. So she moved to the dressing table to wipe it, just to find a small paper kept beneath her bangle box.

"Good Morning Mommy To Be!

I am going out, to bring your Happiness, Jaan!
Don't worry, I'll be back soon!... Sorry, forgot to give you your morning kiss! I'm coming to you for that too!...

Okay, now stop blushing!
Love you!

Daddy To Be"

Bondita blushed so hard reading it and shook her head lovingly. Her Pati Babu was getting younger and more childish day by day. As he was getting older, he was becoming more like a teenage lover!....

She laughed and kept the letter in her drawer, safely. Walking down, she found Maa making some delicious Laddoos. Bondita went and sat beside her.

"What are you making this for, Maa?" She asked excitedly.

"For you, Bondita... These are just for you. They are really healthy for pregnant women, and tasty too!..." She told her, busy shaping her sweets.

"Really?..." Bondita asked happily. "But all this Ghee? Isn't it a bit too much?" She asked getting conscious about the amount of Ghee her mother was pouring into the sweet dough.

"Oh god!... You girls!... Its nothing, you need this much of energy, beta. You'll have to eat atleast 2 of them daily, I don't know anything else." She told her and Bondita smiled seeing so much care and love.

"Okay Maa!... As you say!" She said hugging her from behind.

"Maa! Make some for me too, please!" Batuk exclaimed from behind Bondita.

"Why?... Are you too pregnant, like me?" Bondita turned to him and asked, resting her hands on her waist.

"No Boudii!... But these smell so good!" He said, chuckling and sitting beside Maa.

"I know, I'll make it for all of you!" Maa smiled at him and got busy again.

"But you said you'll make them only for me!" Bondita pouted, walking back to her seat beside Maa.

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