Ch- 49, Be A Man, Anirudh!!

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"Being Male is a matter of birth.
Being Man is a matter of age.
Being a Gentleman is a matter of choice!"

Anirudh walked down the stairs and sat on the dining table with his daughter in his arms.

"Mishti's hungry, right?" He asked as Shubra Maa walked out of the kitchen with a smile.

"You too?" She asked, preparing her son's plate.

"I'm starving, Maa!" Anirudh told, holding her hand lovingly.

"My sweet son!" Shubra Maa touched his hair softly and started serving his plate.

"What will Rudhi eat?!" She bent down, placing a kiss on her granddaughter's cheek as the baby played with the spoon she had just picked up from the table.

"Duddu!" Rudhi looked up at her grandmother.

"You want milk?!" Shubra Maa laughed and asked her.
"No you aren't getting it right now! It's time for fruits." She told and picked up an apple from the fruit basket and started to peel it.

"Anirudh you eat peacefully, I'll feed her!" Shubra Maa smiled at him, taking Rudhi into her lap and started to feed her small pieces of the peeled Apple.

Anirudh smiled and started to eat his own food.

"Anirudh!" That was when Trilochan Babu walked in the dining Hall with a stern look.

"Yes Kaka!" Anirudh replied, stuffing his mouth with a morsel. He was about to stand up when his Kaka stopped him.

"Keep sitting! Have your food and then meet me in my room!" Trilochan Babu told and walked away giving a look to Shubra Maa.

"Yes Kaka!" Anirudh replied confusedly as he saw his Kaka walk away.
He turned to look at his mother for an answer, but she just shrugged her shoulders, not knowing anything.

After he was done with his meal, Anirudh walked to Trilochan Babu's room.

He knocked at the half opened door and entered with a smile.

"Kaka!" He called as he saw his Kaka standing by the window.

"Yes, Anirudh! Come here beta!" Kaka said with a small smile, gesturing him to sit on the chair.

"Where's Bahu?!" Trilochan Kaka snapped at him before he could even make himself comfortable on the chair.

"She's in the study, finishing some of her work." Anirudh smiled as he told it in the most causal way.

Trilochan Babu just sighed deeply and looked down for a moment.

"Anirudh this isn't happening the right way." He breathed out the words, trying to sound genuine.

"What Kaka?" Anirudh asked with a confused smile.

"This whole thing of Bahu surpassing you. I'm clearly not liking it!" Kaka snapped at him as Anirudh looked up at him surprised.

"Kaka?! What happened all of a sudden? Where did this even come from?" Anirudh asked, standing up and walking to him.

"Not suddenly, Beta! I've been noticing this for a long time now. Bahu is going ahead of you. I promise, I'm proud of her and I want to see her grow, but not at the cost of my Son!" Kaka said, feeling sad for his son.

"What cost, Kaka?!" Anirudh asked.
"There isn't any cost I'm paying! I've always wished to see her as a great Barrister, even greater than me! And that's what's happening! Why would you even think that?" He hissed, trying to keep himself calm.

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