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It felt so bad to keep you all hanging. I've clearly lost the motivation to write this story. Before I lose my interest in writing itself, I really need to move ahead and work on another story for a while. I promise if you all would really like, I'd come back to this story and narrate you the whole details. But till then, I think writing a prologue and letting you know where this story actually wants to head is the only best way to keep my readers and myself contented.

I know you all love this story so much and there shouldn't be anything else needed than your love to complete this. But sadly that is not the only aspect. I as a writer cannot write one story for a very long time. There's no way I've stopped liking Anirudh and Bondita or the show, but maybe I just found new values, new things to grab my attention. But I'll surely return to this story sometime later and complete it the way you all wanted, with each little detail.

I hope you all will love to read the prologue and also read other stories if I write them. Even if you want me to explore Rudhi's love story, I've planned to do that first. Just do let me know your views. ❤️


"And that's how you all shouldn't just follow your husbands and fathers with closed eyes. Ofcourse if they love they love you, they'll take the right decision for you. But only you can decide the best for yourself. You should listen to them, but think with your minds too. At the end this is your life and you're the only one answerable for what you do with it. The life of a human is hard to get, so why not value it when you have one? Why let others' opinions decide what you should do, what you should eat and whom you should marry." Saying this the girl smiled at the women sitting down around her.

The women around her were all either married or teenagers. They all had been taught to quietly listen and abide by what their fathers and husbands told. But all of them have been listening to this girl for some time now. They didn't really feel obliged to follow her, but she seemed right. They were all convinced to understand her point and had even started following her in their day to day to lives. The glimmer in this girl's eyes made them confident enough to trust her. Afterall, what was there to lose?

As the women stood and left for their homes, the girl turned and started tying her hair into a knot. Just then the bun stick in her hand was snatched and she knowingly turned around to give a frowned pout. It was obviously him again. Adjusting the specs on the bridge of his nose, he smiled with proud at her.

"Is it hot in here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a teasing smile.

"No, but that's yet not a valid reason to keep my hair open." She rolled her eyes and quickly snatched back the bun stick.
"You should really grow up now that all your hair is grey!" She teased him instead.

"No. They aren't all. It's just a total of 15 hair, I got them all counted Ma'am!" He rested both his hands behind his back and stood there with his chin up.

"Your son is really too free to do all this, isn't he? Oh! I forgot you give him a fair pay for doing this." She turned around and walked to a nearby shelf in the study.

"Atleast he listens to me." He snapped back at her and took the Bengali Novel from her hands, which she had just picked up, and replaced it with a book on human psychology instead. "Not like his elder sister who spends time reading imaginary love stories all day!", he added.

"Babaaaa!", She whined playfully and opened the book he handed her. 

"Mishtiiiiii!", He imitated her with a chuckle. "Don't cry and start reading this one! I'll take a quiz soon!"

She rolled her eyes and huffed, "I don't know why Maa thinks you are the world's best teacher! You're a little too strict for my liking!", She teased.

Anirudh gasped dramatically and teased her back, "Oh? So do you only like Dr. Raghav now?"

Raghav was now a professor at Rudhi's college but she had still not gotten herself to liking him. Afterall, she was too much in love with Rudra!

"NOT AT ALL! He is just as strict! Also, he is boring like you as well!" She teased and rushed out of the study. It was time for her to meet Rudra and share all the gossip from her college.

Anirudh also shook his head and walked to the telephone. It had been quite late and Bondita had still not reached home from Calcutta. He wanted know if she had won the case or not!

As soon as he reached to call the Calcutta office, he heard Bondita's car horn outside the Haveli.

"Finally!", He murmured and rushed to meet his wife after two long days. As he reached the door, he also saw Rudhi kissing Bondita"s cheek on her way out and rushing to Rudra, who had been waiting for her at the corner of the street. Anirudh sighed a little. He had still not started to like this boy even after all these years. 

Bondita saw him and walked to him with a smile. "I won the case, Pati Babu!", She announced while hugging him. 

He smiled happily, "Oh! I was certain you would! Congratulations, Barrister Babu!", He kissed her forehead and held her hand, leading her to the bedroom so she could change. 

In all these years, Bondita had also grown up more. She did not have grey hair yet, but her skin had aged a little and she had also put on some weight. But Anirudh still complimented her like he did when they were a new couple. He was still as much head over heals for her as he was back then.  And Bondita? She had fallen even more in love with him. She loved his grey hair, his thick glasses and the smile lines he had grown around his mouth. He had gotten even more handsome, afterall.

"What do you think about this boy, Rudra?" He asked Bondita as they reached their room. He sounded a little worried, rather jealous. 

"He is sweet!", Bondita smiled looking at him. "Rudhi likes him as well.", She teased.

"I see that too! But I don't like it. She is still young for all of this, Bondita.", He frowned making Bondita giggle. "What's there to laugh about this? I'm serious, Bondita.", He added.

"Okay, I am sorry! But Pati Babu, don't you think you are just worrying too much?", She finally smiled and walked to the dressing table to remove her jewelry for a quick shower.

He followed, listening to her. She continued, "And no Pati Babu, this really is not that big of a deal. She is not your little Mishti anymore, right? She has grown up to be very intelligent and wise, just like you shaped her to." Bondita smiled at his reflection in the mirror while he nodded, trying to understand. But it was difficult to believe that his baby was finally a grown-up girl!

 "She will get married in a few years and maybe have her own kids soon! You have to set her free to understand love. Just the way you did with me! She loves Rudra and if that is what she decides, we have to support our daughter. But I think for that you fist have to accept that he might be a good option for her in the first place! Just talk to both of them seperately and see if they even share the same thoughts about love or not! Maybe that will help you have a better view if this!" She smiled at him and he was finally convinced. 

"You're truly the best, Bondita! I don't know what would I do without you?", He chuckled, holding her shoulders and resting his cheek against hers.

Bondita just smiled and said, "I wish Rudhi also finds a man just like her Baba! And I am sure that she will!" 



Do you think Rudhi will find her perfect man?

Do you think it's gonna be RUDRA?

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! Do you think Anirudh is going to approve Rudhi's choice?

I plan to write this someday but it totally depends on the responses or even my interest in this storyline. The whole plot is is in my mind and I hope I will get to share it with you all too!

Till then, TAKE CARE!




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