Ch- 57, A Punishment For Baba

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"There's only one thing more precious than our time
And that's who we spend it on. "

After an hour or so, when Rudhi woke up with a start, Anirudh and Bondita had drifted to sleep in each other's arms. Rudhi started to play with her rattle, making a loud noise.

Bondita stirred in her sleep and lifted her chest from her Pati Babu's chest to look at her daughter. As soon as Bondita saw her awake, she shook Anirudh.

"Pati Babu, wake up! Puchki's awake, I've to go to her!" She whispered softly kissing his cheek.

"Mhhhh... Bondita!" He groaned in his sleep.
"Don't leave me, please!"

"Baaa!!! Baaaa!!!" Rudhi suddenly shouted, hearing Anirudh's voice.

"Mishti!" Anirudh instantly sat up, making Bondita sit in his lap.

"Pati Babuu!!" Bondita whined with an irritated laughter and got down from his lap.
"You don't ever listen to me! You just listen to your daughter!" She rolled her eyes angrily.

"Dhatt!! I love you so much Jaan!" He replied, standing up and kissing her pouty lips.
"But right now I want my Mishti!"

Anirudh walked to his daughter and  picked her up in his arms.

"Baa...Baaa!!" She cooed happily, touching her Baba's nose.

"My Baby!" Anirudh hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Pati Babu, atleast wear your shirt!" Bondita said, blushing a bit.

Anirudh turned around and raised his eyebrows naughtily.

"You make me wear it!" He teased her.
"Afterall, you're the one who removed it!"

"Pati Babu!!" Bondita hushed, blushing harder while he again got busy in playing with Rudhi.

"Give her to me!" Bondita walked to them and took Rudhi into her arms.

"Bondita?" Anirudh looked at her in confusion as he could see a little anger on her beautiful face.

"Puchki and I are really mad at you!" She teased him.

"But.. But you said you forgave me!" Anirudh argued like a young boy.

"Ofcourse! Your wife forgave you, Mr. Husband!" She told, roling her eyes at him.

"So who hasn't?" He asked, folding his arms, as Rudhi was busy playing with her Maa's long, open hair.

"Puchki's Maa!" She snapped back t him.

Bondita placed Rudhi on the bed and picked up Anirudh's shirt. Walking to him, she slid it onto his arms and buttoned it up. Anirudh kept looking at her in confusion the whole time.

"Bondita..." He called as she walked back and sat beside Rudhi.

"Puchki's Baba! You'll definitely get a  punishment for shouting in front of your Baby! You had scared my Puchki so much." Bondita said, glaring at him.

"Hmm..." He hummed thoughtfully and kneeled down beside the bed.
"So tell me! What's my punishment?"

"I don't know!" Bondita smirked at him.
"Ms. Rudhaanshi Roy Chowdhary will be deciding your punishment! Is that clear, Mr Baba Roy Chowdhary?!"

Bondita looked so cute, teasing him like that, he just felt like holding her to him and kiss her hard. Buthe just pressed a smile on his lips, knowing that Rudhi was there with them too.

"Sure! Mrs. Mumma Roy Chowdhary!" He smirked, before giggling at Rudhi.
"So tell me darling, what's your Baba's punishment?"

Rudhi just gave him a toothy smile and continued to play with her rattle.

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