Ch-14, Fightings And Forgiveness

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If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on Earth,
You need to treat it like the most amazing thing on Earth!❤️


ondita was clearly angry with him and that he could tell by just looking at her. But what he couldn't decipher was the reason behind this anger!... He hadn't done anything that would make her upset, since the morning.

Infact he had been such a good boy!... He didn't tease her, neither did he irritate her.... So what did make her go so mad at him?...
He decided to ask and not think much about it, now.

"What is it, Bondita?... Please tell me!" He asked her holding her shoulders. But she removed his hands and walked away to the window.

"I don't want to tell you!....Because I don't find it relevant to be told, Pati Babu!" she said in a taunting tone, walking to the window.

He too followed her and stood beside, facing her.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked getting a bit irritated now.

"Nothing is wrong with me Pati Babu!... Everything is wrong with you, today!..." She replied, getting even more angry.

"Will you stop playing riddles around?" He asked sternly.

"Sure!..."she started, anger evident in her voice.

"So tell me, Pati Babu, did you tell Baba to take me with him for the delivery?" She asked, folding her arms against her chest.

"Yes!... I mean... No!" He spoke. "He asked me and I just agreed."

"Wow!... You agreed?... And why?... Did you ask me once? Did you ask me whether I wanted to go or not?" She bombarded him with her sharp questions.

"I didn't feel that you won't want to go!... I mean, why wouldn't you love to go to your Baba?" He asked, trying to process the main reason behind her anger.

Was it because he didn't ask her or was it because he agreed to send her.... Or maybe, was it because of both these reasons?... He was so confused!

"Pati Babu!..." She spoke, her voice breaking a bit now. "I don't even want to talk to you, now!... You seriously made me so upset today!"

"But what did I do?" He asked frowning and looking at her irritatedly.

"Do you even know what you did?... Baba isn't taking me with him for 2 days... Or maybe not even a few weeks!...."she told him, tears forming up in her eyes. "Pati babu, he is taking me with him for the whole Nine Months!"

A sudden realisation hit him too, this time. She would actually go away from him till she gives birth to their baby. And he won't even be able to be with her?!....

"But.. Bondita, how could have I stopped a father from taking his daughter away?!" He argued, trying to prove his point right to himself too!... He wasn't sure about how he did this, without thinking twice!....

"Pati Babuuuu!..."she said closing her eyes out of irritation, she was really fed-up of this man!...

"Okay!... You can't stop a father to take away his daughter, right?... But couldn't you have stopped my father to take away your wife?!.." She tried to make him understand.

"But, Bondita he is you Baba!... He'll take care of you and our child in the best way!..... I don't need to worry even a bit!.... And afterall, this is a custom!..." He told, trying to find the validity behind his decision.

"I know Pati Babu!.... And it's absolutely not, that I don't want to go to my Baba's place!... I would obviously love to!... But do you even understand?.. It's our first child!... I wanted to be with you!... I wanted to experience every small fear, every bit of happiness with you!....I want to rest in your arms every night, before I fall asleep!...." She said and hugged him tightly.
"I love you!.... I love you, Pati Babu!.... But you know what?!..."she said and broke hug.

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