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He wore a thousand faces.
All to hide his own!.....

The next day was an important one for Anirudh Roy Chowdhary. He had to do something really huge, which could break hearts forever or mend them completely!

Anirudh didn't go to court that day. He didn't have any meetings and thus decided to work at home itself.

Anirudh was in his study, working on a case file. He continuously kept on looking at his wrist watch, but time seemed to pass the slowest that day.
He looked really restless, playing with his pen.

"Chote Malik!" Bihari came inside the study.

"Yes, Bihari?!" Anirudh asked him instantly.

"Someone came and gave these trophies." He told happily.

"Yeah! Keep them on the table!" Anirudh told him with a smile and Bihari did as told before walking away back to his daily chores.

Anirudh eyed the two trophies kept on the table, leaning behind in his chair and sighed.

"All the best, Anirudh Roy Chowdhary!" He muttered under his breath and stood up from his chair.

"Kaka!.... Baba!... Maa! Where are you all?!" Anirudh called out cheerfully, walking into the hall.

"Bondita! Batuk! Come here, everyone!" He called out again.

Soon, everyone had gathered in the hall. Bondita was upset with him, but still came at once as he called her. Everyone else too, weren't really happy with Anirudh.

Rudhi was in Binoy Babu's arms, he had just returned from his trip this morning and since then hadn't left his princess. Binoy had really no idea about anything that had happened in his absence.

"What's it Anirudh? Why are you shouting so early in the morning?!" Trilochan Kaka asked him, irritatedly.

"Kaka! I've been awarded as the best barrister across the whole Tulsipur!" He told proudly, showing one of the trophies in his hands.

"Wow!" Binoy Babu exclaimed. "Congratulations my son! I'm proud of you!"

"Bless you, my son!" Shubra Maa too smiled proudly.

Everyone congratulated her and were really happy for his achievement.

"Congratulations, Pati Babu!" Bondita said, with an excited smile.

Though she was angry, but her love never lessened even a bit. She still felt the same happiness in his success and would always feel.

"Dada! What's the other trophy for?!" Batuk asked, pointing at the other trophy in Anirudh's hand.

Anirudh glanced down at it and with a small smile, looked back at Batuk.

"It's for your Boudi!" He rolled his eyes.

"Wow! For what?!" Batuk asked, grabbing the trophy from his Dada's hand happily.
"Best Female Barrister Accross Bengal!" He read the words on the trophy with widened eyes.

"Wow Bahu!" Binoy Babu exclaimed as Rudhi continued to play in his arms, touching his moustache with her little fingers.

"We're so proud of you, Boudi!" Batuk exclaimed, handing Bondita the trophy.

"Pati Babu!" Bondita looked at him with excitement, clutching her trophy. But he didn't look at her, he was busy looking at the ground with irritation.

"This is even greater than Dada's achievement!" Batuk exclaimed happily and Bondita just forced a smile on her lips.

"Batuk, there's no comparison required!" Anirudh just scolded him and rolled his eyes angrily.

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