Ch-95, A Date With Baba❤️

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A few things that happen in life, happen just because we didn't want them to. They happen to let us know hoe life works, beyond our plans. They happen to make us realise that life, death, happenings and mishappenings all are bound to happen on their own times and nothing could be change for the mere of wish of a human heart.

Changes are constant in life and they need to be respected at all costs. No matter how hard we try, we can never see our lives beyond what we feel or visualise in a moment. But we can try. Try to see beyond the reach of the conservative mind.

It was late afternoon, a day after Bondita had returned from Calcutta. It was a sunday and Rudhi had not gone to the school. Though she already had her plans fixed for the evening. Rudra and Monishika were coming to see her and play with her.

Rudhi was busy with her Kaka Dadu, downstairs while Anirudh and Bondita were sleeping in their bedroom.

Sleeping peacefully in his arms, her body was deprived of any clothing other than the blanket that covered them. She had been feeling a bit too hot lately and after they both had made love, she could care even less about changing into another cotton saree.
Even Anirudh wasn't wearing much, just a muslin dhoti loosely, rather carelessly wrapped around his lower body.

It has now been a whole day since Bondita hadn't left her room. How could she, when her Pati Babu didn't allow?

He had instructed the whole family, not to let Bondita work for atleast a day or two after she returned. And after knowing how weakened she had been feeling lately, his decision got even more firm.

"Baba! Maa!" There was a soft knock on the door.
"Are you both still sleeping?' She asked more as a whisper.

Anirudh being the light sleeper he was, instantly opened his eyes. He looked around for a moment, sinking into his surrounding and coming out of his slumber.

"Mishti" He whispered, getting up and tightening the dhoti around his waist.
"Just a minute, princess!" He murmured mindlessly, audible enough for Rudhi to hear and wait outside.

Glancing at Bondita and finding her sleeping without a piece of decent clothing around her body, a pink tint reached his cheeks.

How could she be so beautiful even while sleeping? She definitely knew some magic, it wasn't possible without that right? He thought to himself and picked up her blouse, gently pushing it past her arms and hooking it on the front.

Bondita didn't even budge a little in all of this. It wasn't that her Pati Babu's touch was something new to her. She had veen so acquired to it by now that it didn't feel something different then her own body's touch to her.

Walking to the door, Anirudh opened it and smiled at Rudhi happily. Picking her up in his arms, he closed the door and walked back to the bed.

"Maa is sleeping, we've to be quite." He whispered to her and made her lie on the edge, himself laying between Rudhi and Bondita.

Bondita wasn't wearing much clothes and he didn't want Rudhi to ask him more weird questions just after he woke up from a deep sleep.

"Baba, why did you put me in bed? I'm not sleepy! I came here to ask you is you can take me to eat Kulfi?" Rudhi asked excitedly, sitting up on the bed.

"Kulfi?" He asked with a frown and then looked at his wrist watch.
"Right now? It's 4 pm and Maa will wake up in a while."

"So?" Rudhi pouted.
"Won't you take your little, sweet princess to eat Kulfi?" She asked dramatically and he could just chuckle at her.

"Hmm. So you want to go for a Kulfi date with Baba?" He asked, pulling her closer and kissing her cheek.
"Okay, let's go! I'll just get ready. But let's not wake up your Maa, she's tired." He added, getting up from the bed.

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