Ch- 60, Bondita Is Always Right!

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"Always listen to the woman who loves you!"

"So that's the matter!" Bondita said thoughtfully as Batuk and Anirudh told her about Batuk's marriage.

"Do you have a plan?" Anirudh asked, looking at her.

"Oh! I think I have one!" Bondita said, standing up and walking to a tall bush, playing with it's leaves.
"I'll need your help in this, both of you!" She turned to them.

"Ofcourse, you have my complete support, Boudi!" Batuk instantly stood up and hugged her tightly.

"You already have the complete me!" Anirudh smiled proudly.
"Everything I have is yours!"

"You and your cheesy dialogues, Dada!" Batuk rolled his eyes at him.

"Your Boudi only fell for these!" Anirudh smirked at Bondita as his brother just sighed.

"Why don't you guys go to your room?!" Batuk teased, rolling his eyes, only to get a sugar cube thrown at him from the table.

"Aren't you speaking a lot today?" Anirudh stood up, folding his Kurta sleeves, ready to chase his brother.
"Let's see how much you'll speak after getting a slap.

"In your dreams, Dada!" Batuk removed his slippers, quickly running ahead, as Anirudh followed behind.

"Careful, both of you!" Bondita shouted from behind, shaking her head at the two brothers.
"Pati Babu I'll get Rudhi dressed!" She shouted, heading back inside the Haveli.


"Batuk! Come here!" Bondita from inside her room, as she saw Batuk passing by the room door.

"Yes Boudi?" Batuk walked in, smiling.

Anirudh was buttoning up his shirt and Rudhi was sitting on the floor, beside the dressing Table, talking to her Baba in some undeciphered language.

Bondita was sitting on the bed, keeping her files inside the bag. Batuk sat beside her on the bed, picking up one of Rudhi's toys.

"So do you want to marry Mallika?" Bondita teased him.

"Ofcourse!" Anirudh replied with a smirk, looking at Batuk's reflection in the mirror.

"Hmm, good!" Bondita giggled, making Batuk blush.
"So you need to do a few things!" She added.

"What Boudi? How eill you convince Kaka and Baba?" Batuk asked, being worried.

Bondita shook her head and walking to him, rested her elbow on his shoulder.

"Don't you worry, my dear Devar!" She smacked him lightly on the head.
"Your niece will help us!"

"Kaaju?!" Batuk looked at baby Rudhi in confusion, as the baby looked up at her Chachu with a giggle.
"How will she help us?!" He asked, turning to Bondita.

"See Bondita!" Anirudh said, picking Rudhi up in his arms.
"Nothing should happen to my princess!" He announced, kissing Rudhi's chubby cheek.

"Nothing would happen to her!" Bondita rolled her eyes at her husband and turned to Batuk.
"Batuk, you just taje Rudhi to Mallika's home! And let them befriend each other."

"I really don't know what's cooking in your mind, Boudi!" Batuk sighed, standing up.

"Fine!" Bondita crossed her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes again.
"Then go and get married to some daughter of Baba's friends!"

She said, and started to walk away. But Batuk instantly held her wrist and stoped his Boudi.

"F.. Fine! Fine! I'll do as you say, Madam!" Batuk laughed, making Anirudh giggle.

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