Ch-84, Of Lipstick Marks, Romance And A Weird Idea!

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It's an unedited part so do point out my mistakes if any!😂

"You're my heaven on earth!❤️"

It was later that night when Bondita entered their bedroom to find it dark and the lights off. She walked to the switchboard and switched on the lights.

But before she could even look around the room, Anirudh pulled her into his embrace, wrapping his arms around her waist with a chuckle.

"Pati Babuu!!" She whined and blushed at the same time.

"Yes, Bondita?" He smiled, tucking a hair strand behind her ear.
"Don't you dare stop me today! Remember, I promised to trouble you this morning?" He winked at her.

She just looked away, trying hard not to smile at his talks. Her hands were rested onto his chest and his around her waist. There bodies were touching each other ever so gently and he was just gazing at her beautiful face lovingly.

Her eyes looking away shyly and her coy smile which made his heart flutter each time... How badly he wanted to kiss those lips right now! And who would even stop him now?

He smiled at her lovingly as her gaze fixed on his and he gently bent to kiss her cheek. Bondita smiled feeling loved and he kissed her other cheek as well.

"I love you." He murmured and she just hugged him tightly, her head resting below his shoulder.

His eyes were closed in ecstasy and hers in gratitude, gratitude of being loved so deeply by the one she loved the most!

She opened her eyes to look at her Pati Babu's face, when her eyes suddenly fell upon a red mark on his collar. It was clearly a lipstick mark, but she wasn't wearing any today.

"Pati Babu?" She lifted her head up, pulling away gently from the hug as she raised an eyebrow at him, touching his collar.
"Who gave you this?" She asked, trying to sound stern.

She knew it must be hers or maybe just something from her only. She trusted him with all her heart and he would undoubtedly respect her trust more than his own life!

"B... Bondita it's...." He hesitated, wrapping his fingers around her hand gently.

Just as she trued hard not to smile at him, they heard a voice from behind them.

"It's from Meeee!!" They heard Rudhi squeal happily. She still had marks of lipstick on her lips and looked really funny.

"Puchkii?" Bondita gasped and the little girl jumped happily clapping her hands.

"Yeah... When I returned from work today, she came running to my arms. That was when I noticed that your naughty little princess had stolen your lipstick and applied it all along her tiny lips! That's when she had already tainted my shirt." Anirudh chuckled, picking up Rudhi into his arms.

"And you didn't tell me?!" Bondita crossed her arms against her chest, raising her eyebrows at him now.

"I...uh...thought..." He stammered in front of his wife's strict gaze.

"You thought? What did you think Pati Babu?" She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Rudhi! You're not applying my lipsticks without my permission ever again!" She turned to their daughter.

"But Maa you apply it too, so why can't I?" Rudhi pouted her lips with a frown.

Anirudh found it hard not to smile as he felt so proud seeing his daughter argue just like his wife did!

"Puchki!" Bondita scolded her, still not raising her voice a lot.
"Children have a very gentle skin and makeup can spoil it. I won't stop you once you grow up and are mature anough to know the actual need of makeup for yourself." Bondita told her gently.

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