PROMO: If You Aren't Ready

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"This isn't a normal fever Mr. Roy Chowdhary. It's Varicella, or what common people call it, Chicken Pox. It's quite common in India already but with such high temperature, it'd be tough for the little girl to recover."The doctor had said before handing a bottle of quinine as the only solution he could think of at the moment.
"Just one drop of it in a glass of water!" He had instructed, before leaving."

"Baba... When will Maa be back?" Rudhi asked in a weak voice from her lying position on the bed as Anirudh sat beside her, caressing her hair lovingly.

"She will come soon, Mishtu! You don't worry, Baba's here, right?!" Anirudh consoled her with a smile, trying so hard to control his tears as he saw his daughter so ill for the very first time.


"Bondita, you don't worry! Rudhi will be fine soon!" Anirudh consoled her over phone as his wife was crying endlessly and cursing herself for not being there.
"You quickly finish your work and come back. Doctors have said that she is fine!" Anirudh told.

"Pati Babu, riots have broke out here and the officials won't let me leave alone for safety reasons." She told, feeling heavy in her heart as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Bondita, stay strong Shona!" He spoke with love as his own heart sunk at the thought that Bondita won't be able to return any sooner.


"Pre..... Pregnant?" She gasped loudly.
"N... N.. No!.... I... I c- can't be....."

"But..... you a- are, Bondita. Tell me, what do you want? It would all go just as you say, I promise!" Anirudh had hugged her tightly to himself, her body shivering.

"Pa...Pati Babu, I- I don't w- want this c- child" She cried.
"I don't want it!" She screamed through her tears, before passing out in his arms.

"A.. As you w- wish, my wife" He had murmured, hugging her to him lovingly as he laid her down on the bed.


"A... Abortion?" Bondita looked at him with shock.

"That's the only solution to your problem, Bondita." He told her with soft eyes, holding the papers out to her.
"It's signed by the husband, but I want your agreement first." He told.

"W.. will we... K- kill this b... baby?" She mumbled looking down at the papers with little tears in her eyes.

"We'll let it go! If we can't take care of it and aren't ready, it's not right to still become parents and ruin a baby's life." Anirudh corrected, trying hard not to let his own emotions show.

Bondita didn't answer him further and handed him the pen to sign it.

"I... I a- agree." She murmured.


That's all for this promo! Hope you like it. ❤️

DO NOT panic about anything, I've a beautiful and a very important track lined up for this book! And I'm so excited to write it for you all!
I just need that push and that encouragement!❤️🥺

Do share your views on this and DO NOT forget to hit the star button and VOTE for this chapter!!❤️



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