Ch- 62, Rudhi's First Trip!

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To me, you're PERFECT!

"So is it much clearer now, Mr. Roy Chowdhary?" The doctor asked Anirudh, changing the lence of the phoropter.

"No. It became blur." Anirudh replied, trying to read the printed letters written on the board in front.

"Okay!" The doctor said politely and changed the lence again.
"Shall I know is it better now?" He asked again.

"Yes. It's clearer but not much." Anirudh replied again.

"And now?" The doctor asked him again, changing the lence of the other eye this time.

"Yeah! This seems perfect!" Anirudh told, perfectly able to read all the letters without any strains now.

"Okay! That's fine, Sir." The doctor smiled and removed the phoropter with a smile.

Walking to his table, he wrote down his observations on a paper.

"What do you think? Do I need to wear Specs?" Anirudh asked, walking to the doctor's table with a nervous face.

"Umm... Sadly, yes." The doctor replied, lifting his eyes from the paper.
"But don't worry! You'll just need reading glasses. Your number isn't that bad."

"Oh!" Anirudh looked down for a second.
"Okay, I'll get them. But is there anything to worry about? Am I... like... Aging?" He asked with a frown.

The doctor chuckled and shook his head slowly. Anirudh? Aging? That wasn't anywhere possible afterall.

"Everyone ages, Anirudh Babu!" He smiled.
"But thankfully, you aren't! It's just because maybe you read a lot."

"Oh yeah!" Anirudh sighed, chuckling.
"A barrister has to read so much, regularly!"

"That's the only reason. Just take good care of your diet and keep wearing the glasses regularly." The doctor instructed, signing the prescription letter.

"Thankyou!" Anirudh took the paper and walked out with a smile.


"You'll get specs?!" Bondita exclaimed happily.
"Oh you'll look so handsome, Pati Babu!" She giggled, teasing him.

"I don't know!" Anirudh rolled his eyes at her, walking to the dressing table mirror and gazing at his own reflection.
"If you don't like me in them, I'm never wearing them!" He huffed.

"I'll love them!" She smiled, wrapping her arms around his stomach from behind.
"But now Puchki will have one more pair of specs to play with!" She giggled.

"I'll have to get a few extra pairs!" He chuckled, turning to look at her and held her to himself gently.

"I love you!" He murmured, tucking a hair strand behind her ear, gazing at her eyes lovingly.

"Don't go to Siliguri!" She said instead, her arms wrapped around his waist.

"It's important, Jaan!" Hw told, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"I'll come back soon!"

Bondita didn't reply and hugged him tightly, pressing her cheek against his chest.

"Oh wait!" He suddenly shouted, making her shiver at the suddenness.
"I can't go tomorrow! We have to go to Calcutta for that Event!!" He hit his own forehead, as he had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh no!" Bondita gasped.
"We'll have to leave today itself!" She told worriedly.

"Yes! I'll just inform Kaka. You please start the packing by then." He said, heading out of the room.

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