Ch- 89, Night Time Stories and Phone Calls❤️

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It was later that night when Anirudh was putting Rudhi to sleep. He did it anyways, regardless Bondita being around or not. Rudhi always slept with both her parents but she loved listening to stories from her Baba. This was their daily ritual.

"Which story will Mishti listen today? About animals? Or about the king and his princess?" Anirudh asked, as he hugged Rudhi to himself on the bed.

"About the King and his Princess!" Rudhi replied.

"Okay, about the Princess and her King, then!" Anirudh smiled.
"But just one story and then you'll sleep like a good girl, okay?" He said.

"Okay Baba!" She replied.

"Hmm! So there was once a king who lived in a beautiful kingdom. He lived their with his wife and four children." Anirudh started narrating a new story, he had just knitted. He had never been interested in stories or fictions, but for his Mishti, he could do it all!

"Four children?" Rudhi's eyes widened in surprise.
"Baba why did the king have four children?" She asked, and Anirudh knew he would not be able escape her questions now.

"Rudhi... Um.. It's because, God blessed him with four kids, that's it!" Anirudh told, sighing in relief as she seemed convinced with the answer.

"But Babaaaa!" She stretched the word and he already knew it was gonna be another question now.
"Why don't you have four children then?" She asked innocently but Anirudh gulped looking at her with a nervous look, he was trying hard not to laugh at the same time.

What type of a question is that now? He thought to himself and cursed his own mind for not being able to think of an appropriate answer quickly!

"Because.... Because my Rudhi is enough for me to love and your Maa and I did not ask God for four children!" He replied, trying to sound true and genuine as Rudhi looked at him.

"Hmm! Okay Baba, continue the story!" She said and Anirudh let a sigh of relief, Rudhi was finally not asking further questions and seemed convinced.

"Yeah, so! The king had three sons and one daughter...." Anirudh continued the story, patting Rudhi's head lovingly.


"Hello? Bihari Babu?" Bondita asked as she heard the familiar voice from the telephone.

"Ji Choti Malkin, it's me! Chote Malik is putting Rudhi Baby to sleep, should I call him?" Bihari Babu asked.

"No, don't disturb them. If he's awake, just tell him to call me back on the number I'm giving you." She told softly.
"Write it somewhere, CA- 54367." She told him.

"Okay Choti Malkin,, I will just tell him. Did you reach safely though?" He asked.

"Yes Bhari Babu, I did!" She smiled into the phone.
"Now I'll hang up, you too sleep early and take care. Good night!" She added.

"Good night, Choti Malkin!" Bihari Babu smiled and hung up the phone.


"So that's how the King handed over the kingdom to his wise princess because she was the bravest and the most kind- hearted of all his children." Anirudh ended the story and turned to look at Rudhi, who was almost fast asleep.

As he saw her eyes closing, he patted her for a while until Rudhi started to snore lightly and snuggled more into her Baba's chest.

"Good Night, Princess!" He murmured, kissing the top of her head and hugging her lovingly to herself.

That was when there was a knock at the door. Anirudh coincidentally hadn't locked the door that day. He turned his head to look at the door.

"Yes? The door's open, come in!" He spoke in a low voice, not to wake Rudhi up.

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