Ch- 27, The Lullabys Of Love!❤️

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"I am proud of a many things in life, but nothing ever beats being a father to my lovely Daughter!❤️"

It was the naming ceremony of Rudhaanshi. Anirudh and Bondita were in their room, dressing up Rudhi. He was now more comfortable in handling Rudhi alone. Until she was hungry and cried for Bondita, he could easily handle her and take care of his baby.

Fatherhood and motherhood, aren't taught to anyone. They just make their way into the heart, as soon as you have a baby to look after.

Anirudh and Bondita too, were learning each day. They were learning new things, new challenges and experiencing new beauties of Parenthood!

Anirudh had made Rudhi wear a beautiful yellow traditional lehenga, which her Kaka Dadu had gifted her with so much love.
He had made sure that his little princess wasn't even a bit uncomfortable about the material or literally anything!

Kaka had not allowed him to take Rudhi out ir roam in the haveli, too, until that day. But now, he could rightfully roam anywhere with his daughter!

As he dressed Rudhi, she was just cooing softly and looking around the room with her large eyes. He too, kept on talking to her in the most childish voice he could ever manage!

"My Rudhi will look like Plincess in this dless!" He said, just to imitate a child's accent, which made Bondita giggle.

Bondita was pinning her saree and listening to Anirudh's cute talks with his daughter.

"Your Maa just keeps on giggling at us, Rudhi!" Anirudh rolled his eyes as Bondita, making her giggle even more.

"Let's teach her a lesson!" Anirudh winked at Rudhi and walked upto Bondita. Rudhi just trailed her father's movements around the room, lying on the bed.

Anirudh went and held Bondita's hand, softly twisting it behind her back.

"Wha.. What are you doing, Pati Babu?! Leave my hand, please!" She said, getting nervous.

"No, no.... Why now? You keep on giggling, Shona!" He said teasing her.

"Okay, okay! I won't giggle now!" She said, assuring him and he let go of her hand instantly. He didn't want to hurt her in any case.

"I will laugh loudly, instead!" Bondita smirked, turning towards him and he just sighed, breaking into laughter.

"When will you grow up? I can't handle two kids together!" He said resting his hands on his waist and walked back to Rudhi.

Rudhi had started recognising a few people in the family, and her Baba had to be the first one. Rudhi used to clutch onto Anirudh's finger or his shirt tightly and not leave him for hours. She was definitely a Daddy's Princess!

Little Rudhi would always try and touch her Kaka dadu's specs, but her hands were small. She would try to get hold of her Dadu's moustache and make him laugh out loud. Her Dida's kangan were her favourite play, along with many others.

She was undoubtedly the most loved member of the family. Her Kakas would bring gifts for their doll daily! Batuk and Somnath had brought so many soft toys for her.

As Anirudh dressed Rudhi, they walked downstairs for the Naamkaran ceremony. It was grand ceremony, organised by her Grandparents.

The name was already decided, so it didnt take long. Anirudh and Bondita sat down for the Pooja along with baby Rudhi. She lied happily in her Baba's lap, while her Maa softly touched her head.

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