Ch-78, The First Day Of School!!!

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"Believe in yourself, my Princess.
You'll do great on your first day of school!"

Anirudh had filled the form for both Rudhi and Rudra. His parents too had agreed upon sending him to Oakleaf School.

It was after a long time that Anirudh went upstairs to call the kids down for dinner. Rudra and his parents were also joining the Roy Chowdharys today.

"Mishti!! He called, entering Somnath's room where all the kids were yelling happily and playing around.

"Bab just two minutes!" She replied, running after Rudra and Vansh.
"I've already caught Somu Kaka!" She told happily and Somnath pouted at her, faking sadness.

"Very good! Just come quickly!" He told, sitting beside his brother on the bed.
"How's work?" He asked Somnath.

"It's great! We really need to work upon the health facilities in the country." He told.

"Indeed! I hope there'll be a time when no mother loses her child due to lack of availability of a good doctor!" He told with a sigh.

"Baba let's go!" Rudhi finally ran to him, followed by Vansh and Rudra.
"We're done playing." She told.

"Good girl! Come on, lets go!" Anirudh smiled and picked Rudhi up in his arms as they all walked down to the dining table.

"Vansh let's sit here!" Rudra ran to the seat adjacent to Trilochan Babu's.

"No! That's my Baba's seat!" Rudhi told, protecting the chair with her small arms.
"Only he sits here!" She pouted possessively and Anirudh just smiled at his daughter.

"It's okay Mishtu! Bab can sit somewhere else too." He smiled, stroking her hair.

"No Baba! It's your place, so only you will sit there!" She told, fluttering her innocent eyes.

Rudra and Vansh just walked to some other seat and sat with their mothers.
Rudhi too followed and sat beside Vansh.

The three kids sitting together were having such good time, playing with the spoons and bowls. Their parents were busy chattering and they were busy yelling undeciphered things and playing with each other.

"Enough! Eat quietly now!" Trilochan Babu spoke as it was too much of chaos to handle.

Everyone stopped talking and ate quietly. Rudhi wasn't eating much and Bondita gestured Anirudh to take care of her, while she served the food.

"Mishti! Shona come here!" He called and the girl jumped off the chair and ran to him.
"I'll feed you, come." He told, making her sit into his lap and feeding her from his own plate.

Rudhi was finally happy and eating well. She was always really picky about her food, not liking a lot pf vegetables and spices. But when her Baba fed her, it all just tasted good and didn't even feel like something she wouldn't want to eat.

"Baba I'm full!" She pouted after a  while but Anirudh just glared at her.

"I'll know when you'll be full, I'm so well aware of your tantrums!" He chuckled but stil didn't leave the stern look and the girl just nodded and ate quietly.

Bondita giggled, remembering how her own Baba used to feed her when she threw the same tantrums as Rudhi.


Days passed and it was finally Rudhi's first day to school. She was really excited about meeting new kids and teachers. But her parents seemed nervous, something not common with their general nature.

Bondita had bathed Rudhi and handed her to Anirudh so that he could dress her.

"Mishti stand straight Baccha!" Anirudh told, struggling buttoning up her shirt as she was jumping excitedly.

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