Ch- 88, Of Cats And A Father's Letter To Another

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"A daughter isn't a possession, she's a flower that is nurtured by all elements of the nature and the society. They do not belong to a single family, they are to be equally loved and respected by all around them."

Anirudh returned quickly after Bondita's train departed. He had a few appointments for the afternoon and thus was quite free right now.

"Kaka!" Young Vansh came running to him as soon as Anirudh entered the Haveli.
"Did you drop Rudhi Didi to school safely?" He asked innocently as Anirudh had bent and picked up the little boy in his arms, kissing his cheek.

"Yes, my prince. I dropped your Didi safely!" He chuckled.
"But are you upto? Did you have your breakfast?"

"Yes, I did." Vansh lied.

"Naughty Boy! You're such a lier!" Vibhavari walked to them, gently pulling Vansh's ear.
"No Dada, he has been a bad boy and hasn't eaten his breakfast till now!" She told, worrying as she was getting late for work as well.

"Don't worry Vibha, I'll feed him. You just leave for work and tell Bihari to hand me the breakfast in my room itself." He smiled at her, before turning to Vansh.
"And you little boy, let's have breakfast together!" Saying this, Anirudh kissed his cheek yet again.


"Yeah, so tell me! How does the cow say?" Anirudh was asking Vansh about various things while he fed him with his own hands.

"Moooooo- moooo!!" Vansh pouted his lips and imitated a cow, giggling as Anirudh filled his mout with another morsel.

"Very good!" Anirudh smiled.

"Where's Kakima?" He suddenly asked, looking around the room.

"Kakima has gone put for some work! She will come back in some days, don't worry." Anirudh smiled, forwarding another morsel to his mouth.

But Vansh's eyes had widened. He looked at Anirudh with a pout, gently pushing his hand away.

"Day?" She asked with large sad eyes.
"No, you call her now! Vansh won't eat anything if Kakima isn't here!" He folded his arms angrily and Anirudh just chuckled at how Bondita was everyone's favourite.

"Oh my prince! I'll make you talk to her in the evening when you'll come back after playing from the park. Right now eat this, or Kakima will scold you for not eating properly." Anirudh told him sweetly.

"Okay! Though my Kakima never scolds me but I'll eat anyways, because that you are insisting!" Vansh said with extra attitude which he had recently learnt from his Rudhi Didi.

"Yes please!" Anirudh chuckled, feeding him.
"Such Nautanki kids we have in this home!" He shook his head with a smile.


That evening, after returning from court, Anirudh was helping Rudhi complete her homework. They had covered most of it by now, and only a little more work was left.

"Baba, now this one!" Rudhi handed him another notebook from her bag while he was still checking the first one.
"You need to draw a cat and I'll colour it." She informed sincerely.

"Wait, you've written the counting wrong baccha!" He said, picking up the eraser and rubbing it onto her Maths notebook, erasing a few numbers.
"It's 7,8,9. Not 7,9,8!" He told her, handing her the pencil to write again.

"Ohhhhhh!" She looked at him cutely, her eyes wide.

"Yes Madam, write it!" He chuckled, with a shake of head as he picked up her english notebook in which he needed to draw a cat!

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