Ch-9, Bewitching Surprises!❤️

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You know you're in love, when you're are excited to see someone...
And when they are around, you cant stop smiling, madly!....❤️

The love that makes you heart flutter with excitement evem after years, is definitely true and always growing!❤️❤️

The next two days passed steadily, just like two weeks. Bondita was desperate to break this news to her family but before that, she wanted to tell her Pati Babu!...

She had started reading a lot of new books about pregnancy and started getting familiar to this feeling.
Vibhavari was taking good care of her, untill everyone else knew.

It was evening, when Som and Bondita came back from her court.
Maa came to Bondita and took her robe.

"Beta, rush to your room quickly!..."she said, her tone a bit tensed.

"Room?... But..... What happened Maa?" Bondita asked confused looking at to find and answer.

"I don't have time to talk, right now!... Just go!.." Maa ordered and Bondita quickly ran up the stairs. Her breath heavy, she opened the door panting.

"Pati Babu!!!"she squealed happily seeing him standing in the room, waiting for her, and rushed to hug him tightly

"Yes, Bondita!... I came back early, so we decided to surprise you!..."he told, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up, slightly above the ground.

Bondita kissed his cheek lovingly and  laughed out happily.
"Thankyouu so much Pati Babu!... I love you!..."she exclaimed as he made her stand.

"I love you so much more!.." He said.
But wait!... You are glowing, Bondita!... I mean, you always look heavenly gorgeous, but today is different!... " he said, cupping her face and coming closer to her.

"Really?... Is it already showing?" She asked out of excitement. She knew about pregnancy glow, but she didn't knew that it would appear so early in her case!...

Anirudh looked at her confused, he didn't know what she was saying, but she looked cute... And admirable.

She walked near the mirror and started checking her face, pulling her cheeks. Anirudh looked at her, he was really confused.

"What are you upto, Jaan?!" He asked and walked to her.

Bondita took a deep breath, she realised his presence and decided to tell him.

"Pati Babu!.." She started.

"Hmm?" He asked coming closer and  looking into her eyes with a smile.

" I'm glowing because... Be.. Because..." She stammered, trying to find the right words.

"Because?" He asked, touching her cheek.

"Because.... Of your love!" She said promptly and hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest.

"Areyy!... My sweet little Bondita!... I love you, Jaan!" He said hugging her back and kissing her head lovingly.

Bondita really wanted to tell him, she wanted to break the news to him... But she just couldn't find the right words!... This was obviously a great news, and she had been waiting to tell this to him since the past three days. But when he finally came and she got the chance, she just couldn't!... As if her words fell short.

She broke the hug and smiled looking at him.

"You go and freshen up Bondita, till then, I'll be keeping all my files in my study!" Anirudh told her and kissing her forehead he went away.

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