Ch- 70, A Year full of Love!❤️

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Note-: I'm planning to bring a leap of a couple of years. Don't worry, Rudhi is still the centre of the story and she won't grow up so soon.

It's just that everything that could be shown with a baby is already done in this story. Now I want to explore the age where Rudhi is 3-4 years old and has her own different adventures!❤️

I've so much for you all in this story! And I'm super excited to write!!❤️❤️

Also! This is the longest chapter till yet!  So enjoyyy!!😉❤️

YYour Birthday isn't a miracle,
But what you'll make out of your life
Will definitely be!❤️

It was finally Rudhi's Birthday!                     
That morning Anirudh and Bondita had woken up Rudhi together. They had played with her, hugged her and loved her the whole morning.

"Happy Birthday Princess!" Bondita had wished her first.

"Baa.... De!!..." Rudhi had shouted happily, getting a hint already.

"Oh yes!! It's your Birthday, Shona!!....My Shonamoni!" Anirudh bent onto the bed and kissed her cheeks lovingly, as she was still in Bondita's arms.

"Pati Babu, isn't she looking like a princess in this Lehenga Choli?" Bondita looked at him with excitement.

"For sure! She's already a princess! My princess!" Anirudh raised the baby in his arms and cradled her happily.


The day strted with a Pooja organised by Bondita's parents in the Tulsipur Temple. It was a peaceful procession with a lot of people invited. It had ended with a distribution of clothes and grains to the poor and needy.

Everyone was really happy and fully contented with this pooja and Hawan. Rudhi had initially cried due to the smoke and heat of the sacred fire, but her Nanaji had held her lovingly in his arms as he offered the offerings nd she calmed down.

"Baba! This was so pleasant! Thankyou so much!" Anirudh said as Baba carried his Bulbul in his arms, walking with him back to home.

"It's fine, Jamai Babu! She's our princess afterall!" He smiled at him, as Rudhi played with her Baba's metal specs box.


"Pati Babu..." Bondita walked in the room with hurried steps.
"Give Puchki to me, I'll dress her for the evening!" She called, adjusting her saree pleats.

"Calm down, Bondita!!" Anirudh replied, without turning to look at her.

He turned and Bondita could see that he had already dressed Rudhi in her Birthday dress. He himself was all ready, wearing his black tuxedo and well gelled hair.

"Oh Pati Babu!" Bondita called lovingly, walking to him.
"You already dressed her?" She looked at Rudhi who was busy playing with a hairband.

"You don't need to worry so much! I know you were busy, you've so many things to look after. But I'm here!" He smiled, clutching her hand with love.

"I love you!" Bondita whispered, resting her head on his shoulder.

"And I know that!" He winked and hugged her lovingly.

"You look so charming!" Bondita gasped as she lifted her head and looked at him closely.

His clothes were well fit, enhancing his muscular body. His left hand was adorned with a shiny silver watch, making his already beautiful hands even more gorgeous!....
His hair neatly was gelled, giving him the majestic look he owned. And the new accessory, his black metal specs just made him look even more breathtaking.

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