If Anidita wasn't Anidita?....

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Have you ever thought if the names,  Anirudh and Bondita, that we all love so deeply, weren't these what would they have been?

Let's talk about this here! I just had this thought and wanted to know your opinions on it too!!

I could just come up with a name for Bondita, that's Tapasya other than that, I couldn't think of a name for Anirudh that suits him better!😂

Suggest me some new (different) names for Anirudh and Bondita which define their personalities beautifully!! And I promise I'll surprise you all with something amazing!!😉✨️

Write them below👇

A Name For Bondita❤️

A Name For Anirudh❤️


I hope to get beautiful name suggestions for our beloved characters! Afterall, we can do atleast this much for these Lovely souls!❤️😂

Love, Author!❤️


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