Ch- 74, Nothing Should Ever Stop You!

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Dear readers, I'd love to read your inline comments on this part. Pls do comment!💕

"Falling down is an accident.
Staying down is a choice!"

"Baba I've to meet Rudra too!" Rudhi whined.
"Please let's go home now?" She pouted, clutching her Baba's shirt collars lovingly.

"Okay! We'll go back soon!" Anirudh kissed her forehead, placing her down on the floor with a smile.
"Come on, my morning kiss!" He forwarded his cheek.

Rudhi jumped and kissed his cheek lovingly. He too pecked her lips and forehead wishing her morning.

"Be a good girl, Mishtu!" He smiled, as the little girl ran away happily.

"Pati Babu, coffee!" Bondita rushed into the room and handed him the hot cup of coffee carefully.

"Thankyou!" He replied, sipping onto the coffee and enjoying his all time favourite taste.

"Your tie!" Bondita frowned, pulling his tie and untying it with irritation.
"How many times do I tell you not to put it yourself, you always end up making it too tight." She shook her head.

"I love it when you untie it before tying again." He just smiled, putting down the coffee cup on the nearby table.

Bondita just rolled her eyes at him and put the tie back around his neck, focusing on tying it properly.

"You look beautiful!" Anirudh whispered, stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"Am I not beautiful already?" Bondita teased, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hmm.. You're just.... Fine!" He replied, faking to think deeply.

"Fine?!" Bondita crossed her arms accross her chest and pouted her lips.

Anirudh just laughed, wrapping his arms around her tightly and pecking her small, angry pout.

"You're the finest! Just the best!" He smiled, kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Hmm... I love this cologne!" Bondita murmured with a mischievous smile, adjusting his specs onto the bridge of his nose.

"You do?" He pressed a smile on his lips, pulling her even closer to his chest.

"I feel like not letting you go to work today." She smirked.

"Oh God, this woman's being too wild with her ideas today!" Anirudh laughed, stroking her hair with love.
"I'll be back home to your arms soon. Love me as much you wish then!" He replied kissing her chin and pulling onto her cheeks for once.

"Come back soon, Barrister Babu!" Bondita smiled, gliding the coat up his arms and handing him the briefcase.

"MISHTI!" Anirudh called, walking down the stairs.

The little girl came running to her Baba and hugged him tightly.

"Bye Baba!" Rudhi smiled and Bondita glared at her daughter.

"How many times do I tell you not say bye? Kaka Dadu taught you how to wish someone when they're leaving, right?" Bondita scolded.

"Oh sorry! Om!" Rudhi smiled joining her hands at her Baba and Anirudh just chuckled with happiness.

His daughter was learning such good things in the family! And Bondita always made sure that she had a balance of traditional and modern ideas.

"Om!" Anirudh smiled, patting his daughter's head and bent down to kiss her before walking to his car.

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