Ch- 75, A Fight And A Steamy Request!

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Note-: The other part is halfway way written, but I'll still wait for your comments and votes to upload it!... ✨️

Ps-: You can always bribe me with inline comments. ❤️😂

"The greatest thing a father can do to his daughter is love her mother!"

Anirudh and Bondita were sitting on the sofa peacefully. She was on his lap and his head rested rested onto her shoulder. Their eyes closed in love and calmness .

"Pati Babu" Bondita murmured after a while.
"I'll go and wake up Puchki, otherwise she won't sleep for the whole night." She got up and he too stood up, following her to the bedroom.

"Rudhi shona! Wake up!" Bondita caressed her head with love as she tried to wake up her little princess.

"Mishti! Baba's home." Anirudh called as he came out of the washroom in his home clothes and combed his hair in front of the mirror.

Rudhi didn't wake up for a long time which really irritated Bondita. Anirudh was too trying to wake her up but she would just turn around and speak some undeciphered words before falling asleep again.

"Mishti!" Anirudh hugged her and picked her up in his arms now.
"Wake up or else you'll get a scolding from Maa!" He kissed Rudhi's pouted lips as she was still in deep slumber.

"Scolding? I'll just pour water on her face and wake her up if she doesn't wake up in five minutes!" Bondita frowned, getting angry now.

"Calm down! She's a child, don't be so strict to her. Infact she'll be having her school from the next month and then she won't be able to take rest. Let her sleep if she wants to!" Anirudh spoke, cradling Rudhi on his lap as the girl had already started to wake up listening to noises.

"Pati Babu, I know what's right. If she sleeps in the afternoon for such a long time, how will she ever fall asleep at night? There's something called a routine and she needs to follow it!" Bondita argued.

"I know that very well too! But we can take care of this later too. If she's tired today, why don't you let her rest for a while more? For once if she'll sleep late at night, will the world stop?" Anirudh argued back.

"Ofcourse! You're not at home for the whole day, Pati Babu. She's been sleeping in the afternoon for days now. But I always make sure to wake her up on time so her sleep cycle doesn't gets disturbed. How could accuse me of not letting her rest?" She frowned, being really mad at him now.

"I didn't accuse you in the first place. And secondly, I don't even question whatever you do with her routine daily. But for once if she's being sleepy and cranky, what's the need to wake her up. Would she be happy after she wakes up? She'll roam around the house with a huge inflated mouth and a grumpy face for the whole day." He replied, still not agreeing.

In the mean time, Rudhi had woken up already and was rubbing her eyes at the banter going on her head.

She pouted as her parents were busy fighting and not even looking at her.

"Mishti, go back to sleep!" Anirudh told in a stern voice and Rudhi looked at him.

"No Puchki, you won't sleep now!" Bondita ordered, making her look at her mother this time.

"I said sleep!" Anirudh yelled, glaring at Bondita.

"I told you not to sleep!" Bondita glared back at him.

"Why are you fighting with me?" Anirudh snapped at her.

"Am I? No, I'm not. You're the one who's fighting!" Bondita snapped back.

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