Ch- 6, Sweetheart!❤️

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The best part of everyday is sharing it with a person like you!
Be mine, always!❤️

"So?... What next?... I know Vibhu approved my idea, but I need you to be happy too!..." Bondita spoke, resting her head against his chest.

"Didn't you check our diary?" He asked looking down at her closed eyes.

"No... I didnt get any time!...sorry!" She said simply looking at him.

"Wait, Let me get it then!" He said and made her sit on the bed. Anirudh got up and brought the diary from the dressing table.

"Here! Read it, Jaan!... You'll know how and what I feel!" He smiled at her whole heartedly.

She took it with a curious smile and flipped the pages. She reached the last entry and looked at him for a moment before starting to read.

Anirudh settled himself back on the bed and scooped her up in his arms, making her sit on his lap, her back pressing against his chest. Bondita giggled looking at him and then got back to her reading.

As she read, she felt so happy!...Her heart fluttering at his words!....And at the end, where he accepted that he was ready to have a child and he really wanted to, she was the happiest!... She closed the diary and turned to hug him tightly. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she said, "I love you!.... I love youu Pati Babuuu!... "

"I love you too, Bondita" He replied, holding her back in his embrace.

"And the feeling you are having!.... It's called Fatherhood!... An urge to be hugged, kissed and loved by a little angel!..." She told him.

"Yes Bondita, I want a little angel!...I really do!... And only you can give me this happiness!...." He said, his voice getting more and more seductive at each word. Bondita looked down, blushing a bit. Her smile made him fall for her even more!...

"I love you, Bondita!" Saying this Anirudh softly pushed Bondita on the bed, making her lie on her back and hovering her softly. She held his shoulders firmly and slowly slid her hands into his soft hair.

Anirudh looked into her eyes for a moment, waiting for her permission. Even though she was the one who wanted a child in the first place, he was habitual of asking for her permission and he felt the need for it too!....

She didnt say or indicate anything , instead she pulled him for a soft, slow yet passionate kiss. His hands slid down, roaming freely on her upper body. He touched her waist and arms softly, sending tingles down her spine.

After a couple of minutes, he broke the kiss, leaving her breathless and moved down, kissing her jawline softly. He placed wet kisses all over her exposed neck. Coming back to her lips, he softly pecked them which made her smile brightly. Her face was glowing, maybe it was his love and the happiness!...

Anirudh sat up and gently made her sit too. He moved towards her head and removed her hair pins softly. She blushed as he opened her hair completely. Removing her earings, he kissed her earlobes deeply, suckling onto her skin.

Bondita moaned a bit and hugged him tightly. Her hands slipped onto his shirt buttons, slowly unbuttoning them. Anirudh moved his hands gently on her back, making her shiver. She slid down his shirt after unbuttoning it completely and her hands fell on his soft, muscular chest. She touched him ever so sensually. Anirudh pressed his lips onto her shoulder, his hands playing with her blouse and pallu.

Anirudh closed his eyes, feeling her touch him as she moved forward and kissed him on his lips. He pulled her further into the kiss, loosing himself completely now. He pushed her on the bed yet again and hovered over her. His hands busy removing the pin of her saree and unhooking her blouse.

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