Ch- 61, Brewing Love

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"You don't give upon something or someone you truly love!
And if you do, you never really loved it!"

Batuk and Mallika were sitting in his car, looking some what serious. Mallika's face was clenched in tension, while Batuk held her hand calmly.

"BRC!" She suddenly turned to him, her eyes glistening with tears.
"If your Kaka doesn't accept this marriage, will you elope with me?!"

"What?!" Batuk frowned at her in disbelief.

He found it really weird, but he understood how his Mallika was. He didn't want to hurt by clearly denying to her statement. He brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed it.

"Mallika, running away isn't an option!" He spoke.
"That's not what I've learnt from my Anirudh dada. He has always taught me to fight for one's love! And that's what we'll do, untill we succeed."

"But this won't be easy, Batuk!" Mallika looked at him badly.

"Who ever wants it to be easy? I don't!" He smiled, wiping the tears that had rolled down her cheeks.

"These hardships are what make a love story beautiful! What we'll tell to our children, afterall?!" He laughed, trying to lift up her mood.

"Our children?!" Mallika murmured, finally getting a bit shy.

She was never a shy girl, unlike Bondita. She was always outspoken and shameless, as the society might call, and that's what made her different.

"Shy!" Batuk teased her.
"My Mallika is shy?!" He giggled, placing a kiss on her cheek while she looked away, blushing.

After a few minutes, she looked at him with an intensified gaze of love.

"We'll fight for our love together!" She smiled at him as her gaze fixated on his beautiful face.

"Ofcourse! And we'll win too!" Batuk smiled back, staring at her huge black eyes.

"I love you Batuk!" She almost whispered, inching closer to him, caressing his hand with her fingers and thumb.

"I love you so much more, Mallika!" Batuk replied, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and  pulling her into an embrace.

She rested her head on his shoulder for a brief moment. Their eyes closed in peace and love. Their hands entwined into a beautiful poetry.

"B.. Batuk!" She suddenly called, lofting her head from his shoulder.
"Can I get a kiss?" She asked, looking straight at his lips, not shying away this time.

Batuk looked at her in shock and awe before smiling at his Mallika. He inched closer to her, his hot breaths fanning her face.

"You're my love, Mallika!" He whispered, staring at her eyes with love.
"All I have, is yours. I'm yours too! You can take away whatever you wish to!"

Mallika needed no more invitation. She raised her hands, touching his cheeks gently as she touched her lips to his.

Electricity ran through both their bodies, as they stayed still for a while.
Batuk didn't move for a second, his eyes closed in anticipation. Mallika too, closed her eyes, feeling this moment to the fullest.

Soon, she pressed her lips onto his, a bit deeper, still not claiming them. Batuk ran his hands up her hair, holding her head lovingly.

"I love you..." He breathed the words against her lips, now suckling onto them passionately.

Mallika's breath hitched for once, before she too responded to his kiss with equal passion. Their hands cupping each other's face and bodies pressed against each other.

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