Ch-34, Making Him Proud, Forever

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Be with someone who is proud to have you!❤️
Many can love, but only few can support you and be proud about it!❤️

After Bondita pinched the baby, he started to cry loudly and Madhusrini glared at Bondita. She stood up to take her son in her arms, only to be stopped by Bondita. She didn't know what Barrister Bondita was upto but she just felt angry.

The courtroom was filled with the child's cries as Bondita walked back to her position. Anirudh all the time looked at her in confusion as he too didn't know what his wife was upto. Her confidence was unmatchable at the moment, though. She seemed to be well aware of everything she was doing.

"Your Honour! If Mr. Das or any of his family members succeed in calming down the baby, I will accept my defeat and my client, Ms. Madhusrini will surely give the child's custody to her husband and his family." Bondita said, as the babies cries were joined by doubtful murmurs around the room.

The old man in the witness box looked at his crying daughter who wanted her son back at any cost. But he too was helpless.

The judge nodded and Bondita handed the baby to it's father.

Mr. Das cradled his son in his arms and tried to calm him down, but he just couldn't. He pulled out a  little candy from his pant pocket and kept it in his little son's mouth, but he spit it out and cried inconsolably. Mr. Das became sad and felt really helpless as he couldn't help his crying son.

Anirudh really felt sad for the young man as he could really understand his condition. Being a father and not being able to calm your child was the biggest nightmare, atleast for Anirudh.

As the child's grandmother walked to him with an expensive silver rattle and tried to calm the baby, she failed too. The baby was crying loudly and it broke everyone's heart in the courtroom.

Bondita's eyes welled up with tears, but she stayed strong and didn't let anything affect her.

When the baby didn't stop crying even after a long time, Bondita took him back into her arms and walking to Madhuarini, handed him to her. Anirudh just smiled at what his wife was doing, while everyone looked at her in awe.

Madhusrini kissed her baby all over his face and rocked him in her arms for sometime. The baby buried his face into his mother's embrace and slowly calmed down.

Everyone looked at them with love and Bondita just smiled and moved back to her position again.

"Your Honour! As we all can see, the baby needs his mother, more than any other expensive toy or candy. Mr. Das and his family might be able to provide the baby with luxuries, but they can never provide it with life's biggest luxury. They can never provide him with a mother's love and care." She said and everyone in the court nodded in agreement along with the rising whispers.

"Thus, Your Honour! I appeal you to give the child's legal custody to his mother and father both. The child may not live with the father, but he needs a father's love too. We need to provide the child with everything that he has a right upon. According to me, an agreement must be signed between both the parties in their and the child's favour." Bondita finished her part and the judge seemed convinced.

"Objection, My Lord!" The opponent Barrister stood up but Mr. Das held back his hand and stopped him.

"Objection Overruled!" The judge banged the table and started to write something on a paper.

After a few minutes, the judge was ready with his judgment and he announced that the baby shall live with it's mother until he grows up enough to decide with whom he wants to live and that Mr. Das would also have full rights to meet his son twice a month and provide the best education and luxuries to his baby.

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