Ch- 43, Love And Other Things

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"There are all kinds of Love in this world,
But never the same love twice!..... "


Mmm... Maaaaa!! Baaa!Baaa!!" Rudhi called out from outside the locked room as Koyeli Didi had brought her upstairs.

Anirudh and Bondita weren't actually sleeping, but they really didn't realise when their minds had lost into an unending ecstasy of eash other's love.

Listening to the knock on the door and their baby's loud call, Bondita opened up her eyes and realised their situation.

"Pa... Pati Babu..." She murmured, gently shaking him to wake him up.
"Pls go and get Rudhi in."

"Mhmm..... Bondita just a few more minutes." He groaned in his sleep, not registering her words.

"Pati Babu!" She said clearer this time, sitting up on the bed. Her saree was lying beside on the floor along with his shirt and she was just in her blouse and petticoat.

"Y... Yeaah?!" Anirudh instantly got up on her loud voice.

"Go and get Rudhi in, quickly!" She told him, handing his shirt.

"Oh yeah!" He replied, getting up and sliding his shirt down his arms.

Going to the door, he took Rudhi from Koyeli and locked the door after smiling at her.
"Thankyou!" He softly told Koyeli before locking the door.

"Here you go!" He sighed, handing Rudhi to Bondita and slipping with them in the bed again.

"Don't you think we should go down?!" Bondita asked turning to him as she let Rudhi sit in her lap.

"No need. Kaka Baba and Maa have gone to meet a family friend." He told, turning to her and resting on his right elbow.

"And Som and Vibha are packing for their trip! And Batuk..." He stopped to think about his little brother and that he must be writing the letter for Mallika.

"What about him?" Bondota asked, as Rudhi was busy playing with her mother's long open hair.

"Nothing, he's busy with something important too I guess. And you, my wife, need to be busy with me right now! That's it!" He said moving close to her and wrapping his arm around her stomach.

"Pati Babu, Rudhi!" Bondita hushed, hitting on his arm.

"She'll understand!" He smiled at his daughter as the baby turned to look at her Baba and touched his nose and lips.

"Baa!... Baa!!" She said in the softest voice.

"Baa!.. Baa!!" Anirudh mimicked her pressed her fingers between his lips.

"You both are... So lovely!" Bondita exclaimed and touched Anirudh's hand, bringing it to her lips and kissing it.

Rudhi got down her Maa's lap quickly and climbed onto her Baba's chest.

"Puchki!" Bondita laughed in surprise as she too lied down beside Anirudh, looking at them with love.

"You wanna play?" Anirudh asked Rudhi, holding her little armd and placing her on his torso.

Rudhi just squeaked happily, touching her Baba's face.

"Pati Babu!" Bondita pouted, making Anirudh look at her with a chuckle.

"I have two little daughters! Always wanting all my attention!" He teased her before wrapping her in his embrace.

Bondita happily rested her head on his shoulder and held Rudhi's hand lovingly.

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