Ch-12, Love, In The Making

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You Are My Love, My Life,
The Air That I Breathe!.....
You Are My Soul, My Happiness,
The All That I Need!❤️❤️

As Bondita left giggling, Somnath entered and latched the door. Vibhavari was already blushing because of all the teasing she got from her Didi.

"What was Boudi saying?" Som asked softly, holding her hand with a lot of love.

"N... Nothing!" She whispered, feeling her breath get heavier.

"Hmm... And what are you doing with my kurta?" He asked, taking the cloth from her hands.

"I.. I was just keeping it inside..."she said and picked up all the clothes, trying to move to the cupboard.

Somnath held her wrist tightly and pulled her closer to him, making all the cloths drop on the floor.
Vibhavari gasped hard and closed her eyes, shying.

"Don't go, Vibhu!" He whispered into her ear, making her feel tingles down her body.

"The clothes fell down!.."she whispered.

"Let them fall!" He replied holding her by her shoulders.

"We've to go downstairs!"

"We'll go in a while!" He made her turn around and face him, while dhe just looked down with a deep red blush.

"Didi will come!..."

"Let her come, she's no stranger!" He replied and softly kissed her forehead.

She couldn't speak further and hugged her husband tightly.

"You blush the same, as you used to do before our marriage, Vibhu!" He teased her, touching her waist sensually.

"Isshhh!... Quite!" She replied, smacking hin softly on his shoulder.

"Fine!" He replied and softly kissed her cheeks.

"Som ji!" She sighed and breathed heavily.

"Hmm?" He hummed against her skin and placed more kisses on her face. Her crimson red cheeks became redder.

She quickly held his hand and kissed him on his cheek, her eyes closed.

They shared a sweet yet passionate kiss, soon. It was all so fluttering. As they parted, Vibha ran outside the room and Som just shouted behind her, "I love you, Vibhu!" And both blushed hard.


After being forced to eat a lot at the dinner table, Bondita stepped into her room after dinner. Anirudh was still downstairs, talking on the phone to someone.

Bondita came and stood in front of the mirror. She was casually removing her jewellery when a thought struck her.

'Soon I will be having a big belly!.. I will become fat!... Just like Saudamini Didi turned, when she had her twins." She thought, a frown erupting on her forehead.

She removed her jewellery quickly and looked at her stomach. It was completely flat, but it wasn't gonna stay the same in the coming months!...

Weird thoughts started crossing her mind. She quickly went towards the bed and picked up a cushion.
Coming back to the mirror, she tucked the cushion inside her saree, just above her lower abdomen. She was looking at her reflection, from all the possible angles.

"I would look so weird!" She spoke sadly.

"No, you won't!"
A sudden voice startled her and she looked up to find the owner of the voice, who was also the ruler of her heart!...

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